162 Candles: Strengths & Weaknesses

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I was waiting outside of the Sheriff's department in the parking lot hoping to get a chance to speak to Sam and Elena. I had my back turned to the main entrance when I suddenly heard the door open behind me. I quickly turned around, but instead of meeting Elena or Sam, I was confronted by Matt, who glared viscerally at me, as he stormed past me in a fuming haze. Although, who could really blame him?

"I was only trying to help her, Matt," I called out after him. "That's all."

A moment later, Elena and her family exited the sheriff's station followed closely by Sam. As soon as they saw me they excused themselves from the group and stayed back to talk to me. "You guys okay?" I asked.

"I don't think the sheriff suspected anything," Elena replied lowly.

"Or if she did, she's real good at hiding it," Sam added. "Either way, I think we are in the clear for now."

"Jeremy had no memory at all. All he knew was what Damon made him know," Elena stated.

"That's kind of how it's supposed to work, Elena," Sam sighed. "Although, I hate that we had to get to that extreme."

"It was the best way we could think of to protect him at the time," I exhaled.

Sam let his shoulders slump down. "I know, I know. I just wish there was something else we could have done besides, compelling him," he confided. "Manipulation both supernatural or otherwise is still a form of mind-rape."

Not liking the way this current conversation was heading or the way Elena was beginning to shift uncomfortably, I decided to deviate from the subject. After all, one could only spend so much time thinking about what all Sam had said before they began to delve into a dark place. And personally, I've seen far too many of those, especially, recently.

"So, uh, any word from Dean?" I inquired, clearing my throat.

"No. Still nothing but radio silence," Sam frowned.

Elena balked in surprise. "Wait, Dean still isn't back yet? It's been over a week. Where could he possibly be?"

"I don't know, Elena," Sam answered sharply. "I've looked everywhere, I've called everyone I thought he might reach out to, I've called all of the people I know he would never reach out to. I've tried locator spells, tracking his cell phone. At this point, I'm halfway tempted to ask Damon for help finding him."

Elena stared at him somberly, gauging his eyes, which made him calm down slightly. "Sorry," he huffed. "I didn't mean to snap at you." The young woman reached out to the moody teenager and brought him in for a hug, rubbing his back soothingly. "It's okay," she whispered. "He'll come back, I know he will."

"She's right, Sam. Dean just went through a life-changing experience, but he'll come out on top," I chimed in. "He always does. Right now, he just needs some space, and when he's ready, he'll find us."

"Yeah, well, I should get going," Sam said, breaking away from Elena. "I call you guys if Dean comes back. Bye."

"Bye, Sam," Elena waved.

Once we were alone, I waited for Elena to look back at me before saying, "I just wanted to say thank you for keeping the secret."

"Stefan, I can't do this. Every time I look at Matt or Jeremy, all I think is that... Vicki is never gonna come back," Elena exhaled. "And they'll never know why. Around you, around Sam and Dean, people get hurt and people die I just... I can't. It's too much, and I..."

"Okay. Why don't you and I go somewhere and talk about it?" I cajoled, reaching out to her. However, Elena recoiled swiftly and shook her head. "No," she rebuked. "Stefan you have to stay away from me." Then she walked past me and headed back over to her family, leaving me alone to ponder the things she said.


Back at the mansion, Lexi had fallen asleep in Stefan's room, but when she woke up she turned onto her side on the bed and was greeted by the sight of Damon sprawled out next to her wearing an all-too-familiar smirk on his smug face. "Boo," he mocked, eliciting a groan from the female vampire. "Hello, Lexi. What an unexpected surprise."

"Unexpected surprise?" she snorted, as she sat up on the bed. "I think the wrong brother went back to high school."

"How long you here for?" Damon asked.

"Just for Stefan's bday," Lexi answered simply.

"Aw, you mean you didn't come all this way to see me?" Damon pouted sarcastically. Lexi rolled her eyes in annoyance before saying, "That's it, Damon. After a century, I finally realized death means nothing without you. Fuck me." Then she shoved him away and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Oh, why are you so mean to me?" Damon chuckled.

"Uh, have you met you?" Lexi snarked. "You're not a nice person."

"Well, because I'm a vampire," he argued.

"But you're only the bad parts," Lexi countered.

At that moment, Damon decided to press his luck and leaned in close to the agitated vampire. "Well, then, teach me to be good," he purred before placing an open-mouthed kiss on Lexi's collarbone. Almost instantly, Lexi used her vamp strength to wrap her hand around Damon's throat and pin him to the bed. "I'm older, and that means stronger," she sneered.

"I'm sorry," he choked out.

"I don't care what kind of romantic drama you've got going on with Dean, don't ruin my time with Stefan," Lexi threatened. "Because I'll hurt you. And you know I can do it."

"Yep," Damon wheezed, as black spots darted across his vision from the lack of oxygen flowing to his brain.

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