Friday Night Bites: The New "It" Couple

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The day was new and bright, as the students of Mystic Falls High began the new school week with a joyful attitude. Some were trying out for different clubs and extracurriculars while others decided to branch out their friend groups and try new things. Then, some were eager to see if the rumors were true about a certain new couple in the town.

Elena and Bonnie were getting out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the school. While they walked they began to talk about Elena's newest friend Stefan Salvatore and boyfriend. "I'm not saying don't hang out with the guy," Bonnie said defensively. "I'm just saying take it slow." "You are the one who said to go for it," Elena argued.

"Now I'm saying take it slow."

Elena gave her friend a curious look before saying, "Why the about-face?" "It's not an about-face," Bonnie rebuffed. "Look, all I'm saying is that you said yourself that Dean has been acting different, keeping secrets, and the other day, I accidentally touched Stefan and got a really bad feeling." Elena tried not to laugh. "Is that it?" Bonnie rolled her eyes and started walking away. "I'm serious, Elena, we still don't know much about Stefan except that he's best friends with Dean, and both of them have been acting pretty cagey about their backstory so..." she trailed off. "So, you want me to take it slow on both the friendship and relationship fronts so that I don't get hurt," Elena finished. Bonnie nodded, "Exactly."

"Hey, guys!" Dean's voice rang out as he bolted across the yard with the aforementioned Salvatore patriarch in tow. "Morning, Elena, Bonnie," Stefan added. "Hey, we were just talking about you guys," Elena beamed. "All good, I assume?" Dean inquired. "Yes, of course," Elena chimed. Bonnie stood uncomfortably between all of them, as she watched them interact. The bad feeling she felt when she touched Stefan, plus, the slowly growing suspicion she had about Dean's unknown past was starting to bubble to the surface, and she didn't want to witness what happened when it exploded.

"Sorry, I can't stay and chat, I got to go find Caroline, so..."

Stefan gave her a peculiar look, which grew even more curious when he felt her heart skip a beat when she noticed him staring. With barely so much as a brief smile to her friends, the young witch left in a hurry to get away from the vampire and the hunter-in-transition. "What's her problem?" Dean asked as soon as she was gone. "I don't think she likes me very much," Stefan noted.

"No, Stefan, she just doesn't know you," Elena tried to explain. "She's protective that way." "Yeah, you should've seen her when I first moved to town. Yeesh! You'd think I was undergoing a police interrogation the way she was hounding me for questions about my life," Dean japed. This caused both Stefan and Elena to smile at Dean's joke, even though Elena tried to hide hers better. "Just give her some time, man," Dean sighed, moving to stand in between them and wrapped one of his arms around Elena to pull her in close. "She's gonna love you!"

"Just like how I love you," Elena flirted to Dean. "Oh, I think you and I share a way different type of love, Lena," Dean smirked. "Oh, yeah?" she challenged coyly. "Uh-huh," he mumbled. The two teenagers leaned in close and kissed each other lovingly and people all across the front yard of the school gasped and whispered to each other, and some even pulled out their phones to take a picture of the new "it" couple.

About ten yards away, where a few members of the football team were throwing and catching a football, Tyler noticed Dean and Elena out of the corner of his eye and drew Matt's attention to the scene before them. "Hey, look at Elena and her new boy-toys," he griped. "Now, what are they doing? Oh, Elena is kissing one of your best friends, now they're smiling, snuggling, walking, walking, walking. Yep. Right into the sunset."

"You're a dick," Matt sneered. "And you're just standing there looking like one of those little yard trolls," Tyler shot back with a grin. "They're called gnomes, idiot," Matt snarked. "Does it matter?" Tyler barked. "The point is that you let Elena get away from you without so much as an argument, and now Dean is probably gonna be the one who gets to pop her cherry because you didn't fight for her hard enough!" "Dude, what the hell is wrong with you?" Matt chastised.

"Oh, come on, Matty," Tyler drawled. "You saw how they were acting over the summer. You saw how close and flirty they were being, and yet, you didn't do shit to try and stop it. And that is completely on you." "Okay, seriously, you're not funny anymore, Tyler, cut it out!" Matt argued. "Oh, I'll cut it out just as soon as you tell me why you're letting Dean break the bro code and get with your ex-girl," Tyler snapped.

"Just shut up, alright? Damn!" Matt exhaled. "What am I even supposed to do, Ty? She made her choice." Tyler nodded, as he dropped his backpack from his shoulders. "Let her know she made the wrong one, and let him know that you don't get away with screwing your best friend's girl," he answered.

Before Matt could ask what Tyler was planning, Tyler caught the ball out of the air and, without hesitating, hurled it in Dean's direction who had his back turned to the ball. Stefan was the first one to notice the ball and tried to warn his friend, but Dean gave him a knowing smile, before whirling around with lightning speed akin to that of a vampire and caught the ball without putting any effort into his movements. The same knowing smirk still rested on his face, as he stared Lockwood down like something out of a western film. "Hey, Lockwood, I think you're missing something," the eldest Winchester smirked. Tyler raised his eyebrows in surprise, as he watched Dean launch the ball right back at him with admittedly more force than was needed, but Dean was feeling himself, so what can you do? Tyler had to leap high in the air, and even then, he still had trouble catching the ball and nearly tripped over his own foot trying to get it.

"Next time you throw the ball at me, remember that you weren't the one who won us two Regional Championships with your throwing arm, buddy," Dean taunted, causing multiple people to "ooh" and "aah" at Dean's insult and Tyler to snarl spitefully at his rival. All the while, Elena looked on at Dean with a mixture of amazement, love, and curiosity.

Without a doubt, this school year was going to be fantastically interesting... and also dangerous.

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