Haunted: Sam I

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When I got home, Bonnie and Sheila were already there waiting for me, and judging by the looks on their faces, they seemed extremely worried. "Sam, thank God!" Bonnie gasped as she launched herself into my arms. I hugged her numbly while Sheila continued to study me with an unnerving gaze.

"H-Hey, Bonnie," I stuttered, letting her go.

"What's wrong? Where's Dean?" Bonnie inquired.

"Bonnie, give him a moment," Sheila ordered sternly. Bonnie immediately stopped talking and backed off as Sheila approached me and wrapped me up in a tight hug. I just stared off into space, as my mind took me back to what had transpired a mere two hours ago. Even now, I still couldn't wrap my head around everything that occurred, much less the part I played in all of it. But in the grand scheme of things, it was probably the best suggestion I could have made to Elena to take away Jeremy's memories. He didn't need nor did he deserve to have the memories of the girl he liked turning into a monster and dying right in front of him.

I sighed despondently.

I don't understand how everything had gone so wrong. Starting with Damon letting Vicki out of the Boarding House. Had he not been so messy and ignorant none of this would have happened. In fact, had he not turned Vicki in the first place, we would all be able to sleep so much better. From there, it all went downhill.

Vicki was already a loose cannon when she was living, but her becoming a vampire was the straw that broke the camel's back. Her obsession with Jeremy and her hatred for Elena already made her dangerous. Couple that with her new (former?) bloodlust, and that was a fight-turned-funeral waiting to happen. And almost like a prophecy, it came to pass. Now Vicki's body is God knows where and my brother-

And that was it. That was the part that I still could not, and would not, accept. My brother had completely activated his Curse, which meant that not only was he a full-fledged Vampire Hunter but he was also immortal. And as far as I or anyone knew, he didn't have any known weaknesses that could kill him. Plus, everyone worth their mettle in the supernatural community, be they hunter or monster, knew that when there is a curse involved, you don't break it, you simply get out of the way and let it take its course.

But I couldn't accept that. I can't accept that.

However, the universe seemed to be forcing me to.

"I couldn't stop it, Sheila," I cried. "Dean, I-I-I couldn't save him." "Oh, honey, I'm sorry," Sheila cooed hugging me tighter. "I thought I could help him fight the Curse, but I couldn't do it," I sniffled.

Sheila patted my back gently as I cried into her shoulder. "Now, Sammy, don't you go blamin' yourself for this," she whispered pulling back enough to look me in the eye. "There wasn't a thing you could have done to prevent the Curse no way because sooner or later it would have happened, and we would still end up right back here. We can't trouble ourselves with thoughts of what-ifs and what-could've-beens, but what we can do is be there for Dean to help him through this next chapter of his life. After all, he's the one that's got to live with this thing for the rest of his life."

"You mean his immortal life," I remarked glumly.

"I mean his life period. Either way, it's up to all of us," she said, reaching out her hand to Bonnie, "to make sure he knows that he's loved and safe. Immortality or none. Understood?"

"Yes, Grams," Bonnie answered.

I nodded in agreement. "Yeah."

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