Night of the Comet: Elena I

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  Dear Diary,

  This morning is... Different.

  There's change. I can sense it, feel it. For once I don't regret the day before it begins. Because I know...

  I will see him again.

  For the first time in a long time, I feel good.

I closed up my journal and grabbed my-- formerly Dean's-- bomber jacket, before leaving my room. Before I could reach the stairs, I was stopped by Jenna who was dressed rather formally considering it was the middle of the week. "Do I look adult?" She asked. "As in respectfully parental?"

"Depends where you're going," I replied, giving her a once-over. She moved over to the mirror in the hallway and started fluffing her hair while explaining that she was going to Jeremy's parent-teacher conference.

"Hair up or down?"

I tilted my head to the side, as my aunt pulled her hair up into a messy updo. "Sexy stewardess," I nodded. She let her copper hair fall back down to her shoulders. "Boozy housewife," I cringed.

"Up it is," Jenna snorted. "You're feisty today."

"I feel good, which is rare. So I've decided to go with it," I explained. "Fly free, walk on sunshine, and all that stuff."

Jenna gave me a peculiar look. "And this wouldn't have anything to do with a certain boy dressed in flannel with green eyes, would it?" My lips quirked upward in a knowing smile. "It could have something to do with that," I murmured. She nodded but said nothing.

However, before we could fall into silence, I redirected our conversation back to the original topic. "Anyway, where is Jeremy?" I said. "Oh, he left early," my aunt replied. "Something about getting to woodshop early to finish a birdhouse." We both paused as we thought twice about what she said. "There is no woodshop, is there?" She realized. I shook my head in response.

*         *         *

I was sitting next to Dean in history class and we snuck glances at each other, while Mr. Tanner droned on with his lecture. I struggled to pay attention to what he was saying about the comet because of my wandering imagination.

"Are we bothering you, Mr. Winchester, Ms. Gilbert?" the teacher said out of nowhere startling both of us.

"No, sir, Mr. Tanner!" Dean blurted out. Then, he stole a glance back at me and winked, causing me to stifle a grin.

*         *         *

"So," I drawled as Dean and I walked side-by-side down the hall, "last night was pretty..." "Yeah, it was. We both said some things," Dean continued. I nodded and said, "Yes, and... Kissing occurred." "Confessions were made..." Dean added. "And now we should probably figure out where we go from here," I surmised.


"But there's also a lot of other variables we need to consider," I argued.

"Oh, definitely," Dean waved off.

I stopped and gave him a feigned stern look. "What? I'm agreeing with you," he answered defensively. I groaned and tugged on his arm, "I'm serious, Dean. I just... I want to figure this out." Held turned to me and cupped my face gingerly. "We'll figure out, Lena," he sighed. "We just gotta take it slowly. Only one thing at a time, okay?"


"Good, now let's get a move on. We already have to deal with Tanner the Asshole, and I don't need Mrs. Fisk breathing down our necks either," Dean piped up, as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Instinctively, my hand covered his and we strolled down the hallway, uncaring about the looks we were getting from some of the other students. "Well, maybe Mr. Tanner wouldn't give us such a hard time if you didn't act like a douchebag," I countered.

"What can I say, sweetheart, it's my default setting."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes and tried not to bury the elation in my stomach when he called me his "sweetheart."


Something tells me that this is going to be a very good day.

To Be Continued...


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