Haunted: Divide And Conquer

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I searched practically everywhere for any sign of Vicki or Jeremy to no avail. I was beginning to think I would never find either of them when I saw Stefan coming towards me with Vicki in tow. "Oh, thank God, you found her," I exhaled deeply. "What happened?" "I lost track of Jeremy," I explained giving Vicki a side-eye. "I was worried."

Just then, Matt showed up and I knew things were about to get complicated. "What's going on?" he questioned.

"I told you to quit bothering me," Vicki huffed dramatically, wrenching away from Stefan. Oh, God. "No, Vicki, please don't do this," I pleaded. However, she ignored me in favor of her brother and said, "Matt, he won't leave me alone."

Matt zeroed in on Stefan and put himself between Stefan and his sister. "You need to back off, man."

"No, no. Wait, Matt, it's okay," I began, attempting to salvage the situation. However, it only seemed to get worse. Matt began to argue with Stefan while Stefan tried to defend himself and explain what was going on. I was about to chime in when I looked over to the now empty spot where Vicki was standing two minutes ago. "Stefan, she's gone."

Stefan paused and whipped his head around and groaned, "Damn it!" Then Stefan and I took off to try and find her, but not before Stefan could stop Matt from interfering and saying, "I'm trying to help her!"


After we got to the carnival, Dean left to go find his brother and make sure that he was safe before he went after Vicki. I, on the other hand, wanted to have fun on Halloween. That's when I caught a glimpse of someone familiar out of the corner of my eye. I smirked as I turned to walk toward her. "So, where did Caroline run off to?" I asked, drawing Bonnie's attention. The young Bennett which looked up at me in surprise and fear. Huh, so, I guess, she knows about everything, too.

However, her obvious terror, no matter how satisfying didn't stay etched into her face for long, as she jutted her chin out and schooled her features. "Damon, do yourself a favor, and don't ask me about Caroline," she sneered.

"Oh, Bonnie. So loyal," I chuckled.

"Just stay away from her," Bonnie demanded.

I arched my eyebrow half challengingly, half curiously. "Or what, witch?"

I grinned smugly as I witnessed her facade fade.

And then I noticed the amulet around her neck and frowned. "Where'd you get that?" She followed my gaze and placed her hand around the yellow crystal protectively. "From a friend." "Caroline gave it to you. You know that's mine, don't you?" "Not anymore," Bonnie dismissed, which was really grating my nerves.

"Funny. Give it back."

The witch folded her arms across her chest defiantly and turned her nose up at me, which was saying something considering I was twice her size. "I'm not giving it to you. I'll give it to Caroline, and she can give it to you if she feels like it," she declared.

"Or I could just take it from you," I snarled, showing her my vampire eyes, effectively bringing back her earlier fearful expression. Then I grabbed at the crystal, but when I touched it, I immediately recoiled as steam evaporated from the palm of my hand where I touched the necklace. I was so distracted by the burn on my hand that I didn't even try to stop Bonnie as she ran away.


"Sammy, for the last time, I don't need your help!" I shouted over the noise, as Sam and I traveled deeper into the school. "Really and truly, I want you to go back to your friends."

"Jeremy is my friend, Dean," Sam retorted. "If he's in trouble, I want to help him. I'm going to help him!"

Before I could say anything else, I heard Elena's voice call out for her brother from across the hall. "Elena?" I hollered. Elena spun around to look in my direction. "Dean!" she yelled back. Sam and I bolted toward her and I instinctively wrapped her up in my arms, which she surprisingly reciprocated. However, I didn't get to fully bask in it, before she quickly pulled away from me and, with a trembling voice, asked me, "Please tell me one of you found Jeremy?"

"No, we were just looking for him when we found you," I sighed. "I filled Sam in on the situation so I guess he's gonna help now."

"Yeah, and from what you told me, if we don't find Jeremy soon, the next time we see him might be in a body bag. So I suggest we get back to it," Sam cut in. "There are three places that I know of where they might be. The first one is the toner Pit out back behind the school near the buses."

"Good, let's start there," I nodded. Then the three of us raced off to go save Jeremy from Vicki.

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