Family Ties: Stefan II

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Damon was finishing up getting dressed for the Founder's Party while I sat back nursing what had to be my sixth glass of alcohol, and all I could think was I needed to incapacitate him now or else I'd never get the chance again. "It's cool not growing old," he mused as he finished buttoning up his shirt. "I like being the eternal stud."

"Yes, being a 150-year-old teenager has been the height of my happiness," I snarked raising my glass. He smiled at me genuinely, and for a moment I was transported back to a time before we were... This. A time when we were brothers. "You cracked a funny, Stefan," Damon laughed. "I should have a drink to celebrate." Quickly recovering, I shrugged and watched my brother walk past me and pour himself a glass of scotch. Out of the blue, Damon spoke again, this time saying, "1864. You and Katherine we're the perfect couple. It was hell watching you dance with her." I resisted the urge to scoff and said, "Well, my happiness was short-lived, as you well know. But I'm sure it must have been hell for him to see you with her, too."

A pregnant pause filled the room, and I eventually began to worry that I had made a mistake by bringing him up. After all, he seemed to be a very sore subject to talk about these days. "Yeah, I remember that, too. I left the party early because I was waiting for Katherine," Damon recalled. "He tried to stop me from going with her because he..." I turned my head to look my brother in the eye and smiled sympathetically. "Because he loved you." Damon swallowed hard and cleared his throat, quickly averting his gaze from me. "Well, anyway, here's to history repeating itself," he retorted.

Guess that was to be expected.

I looked on intensely and tried not to let my anticipation show, as he tantalizingly raised the glass to his lips. However, right before the amber liquid could touch his lips, Damon pulled away and let the alcohol pour out of the glass before he let it drop from his hand. "I admire your effort, Stefan," Damon huffed. "Pouring yourself a drink then spiking the bottle with vervain." I wilted under the deathly glare coming from his azure eyes. "I'm not some drunk sorority chick. You can't rookie me," he snarled, straightening out his jacket. "But I can't help but feel a little used. Did Dean know about this?"

"No, Dean had nothing to do with it," I answered hastily.

"Somehow, I don't believe you!" Damon sneered. "Well, that's great. Now I have to go to the party angry. Who knows what I'll do?"

Then, with a huff, Damon stormed out of the room and I couldn't stop the feeling of dread that threatened to devour me from the inside.

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