162 Candles: Dean I

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When I came to, I blinked his eyes open groggily and found myself laying on the bed in a short motel room. "Easy. Just take it easy, boy. You're still coming down from last night," came the gruff voice of Bobby Singer.

"Bobby?" I croaked. " Where am I? What am I doing here?"

"We're in a motel room in Coeburn, Virginia about 50 miles away from Mystic Falls. You called me last night saying you were out in the middle of the woods and that you needed my help, and when I found you, you were covered in vampire blood and the vampire's body was laying a few feet away from ya," Bobby responded in concern.

At the mention of vampires, I couldn't stop the sudden surge of panic from racing through my body, jolting me to full awareness. "Wait, what?"

"Don't worry, it was an Evarien Vampire. He was rogue, didn't have a best and if he did, odds are you killed them, too. Your boyfriend is still breathing wherever he is," Bobby retorted.

At the time, I was so relieved to know that Damon was still alive that I couldn't even be bothered to be annoyed at Bobby's slick remark. All I could say was, "Thank God!"

Bobby's bushy eyebrows furrowed and I could see the outline of his mouth turn downward into a frown letting me know that he was deeply concerned. And I knew then that he knew what had happened to me. "You completed your curse, didn't you?" he said knowingly.

I gulped thickly and clenched my jaw tight, which seemed to answer Bobby's question loud and clear.

"And I'm assuming it was another vampire that you killed to activate it?" Bobby persisted.

Letting my shoulders sag, I took a deep breath to steel my nerves before explaining what happened to Bobby. "You remember that girl, the one I told you about who was Matt's sister?" I started, earning a nod from the old man. "Well, Damon decided it was a good idea to turn her into a vampire and she went after Elena and Jeremy. I got to her before Stefan could and... well, you can probably guess what happened from there."

Bobby's wizened face softened sympathetically. "Aw, damn. I'm sorry, Dean," he consoled, before narrowing his eyes and scowling. "And damn that Salvatore boy to hell! What the hell was he thinking turnin' that girl?"

"He was thinking that Vicki would lose control and kill Elena so that he could have a clear shot at getting back together with me. Or he just made a dumb decision in the heat of the moment like he always does," I answered gruffly. "Either way, they both make sense where he's involved."

"Well, what's done is done," Bobby exhaled. "The question is where do we go from here?"

"Now, I need to find answers," I huffed, sitting up straight on the couch. "And I ain't gonna find 'em here. Where's Baby?"

"She's parked out front in the parking lot. She's in good shape, no dents or scratches. Seems like even in a supernatural trance, your natural instinct is to look after that damn Impala," Bobby japed.

I let out a small chuckle as he and I stood up. "Well, thank you for bringing me back here, Bobby. Sorry for worrying you," I thanked.

"Now wait a damn minute. I sure hope you don't think you're about to just drop a news bomb that you activated your curse on me and just up and leave. Now, last night, you kept muttering something in your sleep about unlocking your mind," Bobby cut off. "You mind shedding some light on that?"

Now it was my turn to furrow my brow, as I felt my face contorting into a confused puzzle. "I did?"

"Yeah. You said the key to your future was hidden in your past. And you just kept repeating it like it was your mantra," Bobby elaborated. "And each time you said it that amulet around your neck started sizzlin'. I'm surprised you didn't feel it."

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