Sam I

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  Well, the first day of school was relatively painless and it practically went off without a hitch. Yeah, there was a little trouble with Jeremy, Vicki, and Tyler earlier this morning, but that was the only real issue. Speaking of Vicki, I honestly can't stand her and how much of a bad influence she is on Jeremy. I mean, Jeremy can do enough damage to himself as it is. The last thing he needs is this bitch luring him in and pushing him out in some repetitive cycle.

  Truth be told, I almost fell for her games once, too, about a year ago. Luckily, Dean nipped that in the bud, or I'd probably be in worse shape than J.J. Although, I guess at the time, I wasn't exactly grateful for Dean stepping in the way he did.

  Aside from that anyway, things have been relatively normal; they have been for almost three years now and it's something I've wanted for so long. It still feels like it's only a dream.

Suddenly, I was pulled out of my thoughts by the voice of one of the news anchors on the big flat-screen television high up on the wall near the bar counter. "We are coming in to report that a third missing victim has just been found dead in a vicious animal attack," the reporter said. "This newest victim was a 22-year-old college student, Eris Rivera. Her body was discovered in the woods bloody, battered, and nearly torn apart. This photograph was taken for your viewing and we warn you these images you are about to see are graphic."

The image they showed depicted a Hispanic woman with honey blonde hair and brown eyes lying dead on the forest floor with gnarly cuts and gashes scattered over her skin, and most of the blood covering her neck. I squinted my eyes and took a closer look at the picture, and what I saw made me jump out of my seat in surprise. "You've got to be kidding me!" I said.

"Yo, Sammy," Jeremy said from behind me, "are you good?" I snapped my head away from the TV to look at him and him. "What? Oh, yeah, I'm just-- I mean, it's... Fine, fine. Everything is... Yeah, man, I'm sorry, but I have to go," I stammered. I quickly packed up my books and swung my bag over my shoulder, while Jeremy looked at me in utter confusion. "Wait, hold on. What's happening?" He asked me. I opened and closed my mouth vying for some kind of justification, but I found none. All I could do was look back up at the TV one more time, then give him a sympathetic smile, and walk towards the exit.

Once I walked out of the grill I closed my eyes and inhaled the cool, crisp air of Autumn, then I pulled out my phone and dialed the first number I saw, and started walking in the direction of Aunt Sheila's house. The phone rang at least four times before I finally got an answer, "Hey, what's going on?" "Well, I was hoping you could tell me, Dean," I snipped. "I just saw the latest news report at the Grill and they were talking about a missing girl being found dead with her throat ripped out by an animal."

Silence, and then, "It was just an animal attack, Sam." I stopped dead in my tracks and looked around at my surroundings. "Somehow, I doubt that." "Why?" Dean asked. "Because I think there's something stuck to my shoe," I replied lowly. I swear on all that is holy, I could almost feel my brother's heart rate pick up through the phone.

"Okay, Sam, I need you to get back to Sheila's house right now, and lock all the doors and windows. And if someone besides me knocks on that door, do not under any circumstances invite them in the house," Dean ordered frantically. "I'm on my way there now, but I need you to run. Go!" And with that, the line went dead and all I could do was follow my brother's orders.

By the time I got back to the house, my legs were aching, sweat was drenching my shirt, forehead, and neck, and my lungs were on fire. I fumbled with the keys for a brief second, but once I got the door open, I leaped through the threshold, closed the door, and collapsed onto the floor. But before I passed out from exhaustion, in my haze, I caught sight of a crow perched on one of the banisters outside the house.

*        *        *

When I woke up, I was in my bed. Looking over at the clock on my nightstand I saw the time read 9:34. "What?" I mumbled groggily. I slowly pulled back the covers and sat on the edge of the mattress, before getting to my feet and slowly making it down the hall towards the light in the living room.

There, I found my brother talking with Aunt Sheila on the couch in hushed tones. I leaned in closer to hear what they were saying and could distinctly make out Dean's voice. "He's too young to get mixed up in all this," Dean said. "He's been mixed up in all this ever since he was a baby, sweetheart," Sheila replied. "Yeah, you don't gotta remind me," he grunted. "I just... I want something better for him than this life. I want him to be as normal as humanly possible."

"And he will be," she said a little louder. "He has been for three years." I heard Dean get up from the couch abruptly, "Yeah, but I don't want it to last three years, I want it to last a lifetime, to hell with the cost!"

Dead silence enveloped the room.

"What are you thinking about doing, baby?"

"He came after my brother, Sheila," Dean said in a dangerously low tone. "My baby brother, damn it!"

Wait. What?

Who came after me?

And how does Dean know them?

"Now listen," Sheila snapped. "You don't know that for certain, it could be someone else." "Oh, like who?" Dean argued. "Who else is ballsy enough to make that kind of move?" "Watch your mouth, boy!" she griped. "You still livin' in my house."

"I'm gonna kill him!"

"Just wait a minute, Dean."

"No, I can't wait! Not while that bastard is lurking out there waiting to get at Sam, Elena, and every other godforsaken person I care about in this town," Dean yelled. "No, if he wants a fight, I'll be there waiting for him... With a stake in my hand." I peeked around the corner and glimpsed him put on his jacket and walk out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him.

"I know you're there, Sam, come on out," Sheila exhaled. I winced at being caught, but I slowly made my appearance in front of her. "What was he talking about? What's going on?" I asked immediately.

"Come and have a seat, and I'll tell you."

To Be Continued...


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