Friday Night Bites: Dean I

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As I came out onto the field in all of my football gear, I caught a glimpse of Elena in my periphery, and for a second saw her glance at me and smile. I smiled back with a wink and she shook her head at me and turned back to focus on her friends. "Mr. Winchester, you're late!" Tanner snapped. I rolled my eyes and stifled an exaggerated groan.

"Sorry, coach!" I griped back. "You know the rules. If you don't show up on time, you don't play," he sneered. I felt the mark on my arm sting just a little bit but forced myself to remain calm. "Very true, coach. I wholeheartedly agree with you," I replied sardonically. "Except that you and I both know I'm your best player out on that field. Now, if you're still pissed at me from this morning, fine. Just make sure you remember that I was the one who turned this podunk team into something great, got it?" Tanner clenched his jaw fiercely and fumed angrily.

"Just don't be late again!" Tanner snarled.

"Don't challenge me to another round of "Name That Historical Date", and we'll call it even... Coach," I quipped. Then I bolted off to get into my position on the field before he could come up with another remark. As I went over to my spot on the field, I overheard Tyler and Matt talking about me. The crazy thing is that I was 10 feet away from them, but I could still hear them as though they were standing right next to me.

"First my girlfriend, now my team," Matt moped. "Dude, this is an opportunity," Tyler stated. "Football is a contact sport... Sometimes people get hurt." My eyes narrowed dangerously, as I pondered what my teammates and supposed friends were plotting. "Alright, boys. You wanna play dirty? Fine. Let's play dirty," I mumbled to myself while putting my helmet on.

However, just before I got into position, I heard the rumble of an engine as a familiar blue classic car pulled into the parking lot. "Son of a bitch!" I swore as I saw Damon lean over and kiss Caroline. I watched as my friend got out of the car and strutted over to the cheerleaders with a scarf tied around her neck. Damn it, not you, Caroline. I screamed internally. As if sensing my presence, Damon's shade-covered eyes sought me out. I wanted to turn away, but something inside me compelled me to keep my eyes trained on him.

Once he singled me out, he lowered the rims of his glasses and I could feel his blue eyes burning right through me while a playful grin spread across his lips. I blinked rapidly as an uncomfortable feeling spread through my chest. Just then, I heard the blaring of the coach's whistle from the sidelines of the field signaling for the practice to start.

I focused back on the game and tried to ignore the butterflies fluttering in my stomach, and they weren't the kind of butterflies you get when you see your crush. No, these were the type of butterflies you get when you're going through a haunted house and you just know that something is lurking around the corner waiting to jump out at you.

"BLUE LADY!" I heard Matt call out. "Set hut. Go!" In a blur of movement, my teammates were darting across the field throwing and catching the ball. Finally, the ball got passed to me and bolted across the field dodging weaving the other players who were trying to tackle me or get the ball. I had practically made it to the field goal when Tanner his whistle and told us to run it again. Once I got back over to the group, I tossed the ball back to Matt who glared spitefully at me. However, I simply smirked at him in response. "Your call, Quarterback," I jeered.

Time after time, we ran the same play, and time and time again, I outran every player, dodged every tackle, and caught the ball every time it was thrown my way. I was unstoppable and they knew. No matter how hard they tried they couldn't get the jump on me. Tanner and my teammates congratulated me, as I made my way back over to them. I was given a variety of high fives, pats on the back, "nice job", and "good going" from each of them.

"Thanks, guys," I nodded. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Elena standing by the bleachers watching me with a smile. I smiled back and shot her a wink. That just served to make her smile wider, so I decided to it one step further blow her a kiss. Even in the bright late afternoon sun, I could still see the tint of rose blossoming on her cheeks.

Tanner allowed us to take a five-minute break so I decided to head for the bleachers and sit down. A few seconds later, Elena joined me on the bench and scooted closer to me. "So, it seems you're doing pretty good out there," she started. I took a big gulp from my water container and nodded. "And I can't help but notice that you are not over there practicing with the other cheerleaders," I sighed. She quickly turned away from me.

"Yeah, well, I'm starting to think that cheerleading isn't really my thing anymore," she sighed. I furrowed my brow in confusion. "Why do you say that?" I asked. "Because it just doesn't feel right anymore," she huffed. "I don't know, maybe I'm overthinking it. Maybe I should sleep on it before I decide to up and quit the team." I watched closely as she fiddled with her hands awkwardly and tapped her feet. "Hey," I said, reaching out to place my hand over hers gingerly, "it's gonna be okay. Even though it would be awesome to have a personal cheerleader, everything will work itself out the way it's supposed to."

Elena looked up at me with love shining in her chocolate brown eyes and I felt my pulse rate go through the roof. We were about to lean in closer, but the sudden screeching of Tanner's whistle ruined whatever mood was blossoming between us. We both exhaled and gazed at each other longingly. "Well, I guess I should get back out there, huh?" I huffed. She snorted and nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I think so."

Before going back out on the field, I placed a chaste kiss on her lips uncaring about who was watching. However, once I walked away from her, that uncomfortable feeling swelled in my chest again. Shaking my head, I decided to ignore it and return my focus to practicing the game. Unfortunately, the feeling wouldn't go away and it was taking all my concentration to keep it from overwhelming me. "Hey, Dean, has anyone ever told you how sexy you look in your football uniform?" I heard a familiar voice say in my head.

"Damon?" I said aloud.

The next thing I knew I was on the ground after having the wind knocked out of me by Tyler Lockwood. "Not so tough now, are you, Winchester?" Tyler snarked. I groaned out a curse in response. As soon as Tyler was out of earshot, I got up from the ground and slowly took off my glove to reveal my broken finger. Well, it was broken until I reset it, and my enhanced healing kicked in. Then, with subtle anger in my eyes, I looked towards the bleachers and saw Damon smirking down at me from where he was sitting on the top row.

"Real cute, Salvatore," I growled under my breath, full-well knowing that he could still hear me. "What can I say? Seeing you all hot and sweaty in your uniform does things to me," Damon retorted. I rolled my eyes and restrained myself from flipping him the bird. This guy was going to be the death of me. That is if I didn't lose control and kill him first.

The Supernatural Diaries {Book One}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant