Lost Girls: Metamorphosis

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After leaving the mayor's house, Sheriff Forbes and Logan Fell drove out to the woods and prepared to go on a vampire hunt. "Okay, I got Stanley on the Moore Street entrance. The rest of us will cover other access points," the sheriff said to Logan. "Call him or call me if that thing goes off. Don't use the radio. Cellphones only."

"Got it," Logan nodded.

"You've got 8 rounds," Sheriff Forbes said, handing the news anchor a cartridge of wooden bullets. "Remember, these won't kill him, but they'll wound him enough for you to get close and stake him." Logan loaded up the gun in his hand, as she said, "Can you handle it?"

He rolled his eyes. "Of course, I can," he scoffed.

"You ever staked a vampire before?" the sheriff questioned.

"Have you?" Logan retorted.

* * *

Meanwhile, Jeremy was coming down the stairs after hearing the doorbell ring five times. When he opened the door, he was surprised to see Vicki standing outside the doorway wearing sunglasses. However, he didn't get a chance to say anything, before she barged through the door clutching the sides of her head. "The sun is killing me and my eyes are on fire," she winced.

Jeremy closed the door and stepped closer to Vicki. "Where have you been?"

"It's good. Everything's good," Vicki breathed. Then she pulled Jeremy flush against her and planted her lips squarely on his. But when they went in to kiss his neck, she paused and gulped daily as her body suddenly felt an insatiable hunger overwhelm her. "What is it? What's wrong?" Jeremy inquired. "I'm so hungry," Vicki heaved.

The transitioning vampire pushed the younger boy away and stormed off to the kitchen to find something to curb her hunger. As soon as she got into the refrigerator, she pulled out all the leftovers they had, while Jeremy watched her in utter disbelief. "Are you high, Vicki?" he exhaled. "It's the middle of the day."

"Could you not talk so loud. My head hurts. I need quiet!" she snapped.

Then she slammed the fridge shut and started digging into the array of food before her, which did nothing to assuage her hunger.

* * *

Sam, Dean, Stefan, and Elena were just about to leave the ruins of the old Salvatore Mansion when she turned to look at Stefan, and said, "That mind control thing Katherine did, did you ever do that to me?"

"I'll just wait by the car," Sam said, before walking away. "Yeah, I think I'll join you," Dean added.

Once they were relatively alone, Stefan looked at Elena and said, "No, I never did that to you, and I never will. That necklace contains an herb called Vervain, and it protects you from being compelled. I wanted to protect you from Damon's influence, but I also wanted to... protect you from me." Her gaze softened at his words, as she let him continue. "Elena, you should never take that necklace off... because no matter what happens after today, no matter how you feel about me or Sam, or Dean... you'll know that you were free to make your own choice."

* * *

"Where is she?" Matt asked frantically as he stalked through the door of the Gilbert house. "Follow me," Jeremy huffed as he lead Matt into the kitchen. When they got there, food was strewn across the countertops and Vicki was sitting on the floor against the cabinet drinking a can of Sprite and munching on beef jerky. "What is she on?" Matt asked. "I don't know," Jeremy shrugged.

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