Haunted: Dean II

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It was an accident, an adrenaline-fueled, heat-of-the-moment, instinctive mistake. I— I didn't mean for it to happen. I didn't mean to kill Vicki.

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When we heard Jeremy's screams, Elena was the first one out of the back door, grabbing one of the long wooden boards leaning against the brick wall. "Elena, wait!" I screamed.

"VICKI, NO!" she yelled.

Sam and I rushed over just in time to see Vicki grab Elena by the throat and send her flying through the air. I quickly used whatever supernatural speed I had to run and catch Elena right before she landed. "Are you hurt?" I questioned. "Only on my side, but I'll be okay," she grunted. I nodded and set her down gently before getting up to apprehend the bloodthirsty vampire.

I wrestled her arms behind her back but even with all my strength, I couldn't contain her. When she broke free of my grasp, she disappeared under one of the buses just as Stefan showed up. "What happened?" Stefan interrogated. Instead of trying to explain, I said, "Sam, take Elena and Jeremy back inside now. Stefan, you help me find Vicki."

Sam promptly followed my orders and led Elena and Jeremy back towards the entrance. However, just as they were about to go in, Vicki suddenly reappeared and tossed both Sam and Jeremy to the side before grabbing Elena and plunging her fangs into Elena's throat, eliciting a loud shriek that sent me and Stefan charging to her rescue.

I'll always wonder if Stefan could have gotten there before me, but I was closer and suddenly I wasn't myself anymore. I was just going off pure instinct and reflexes that had been hardwired into me because of my dad and the Curse. Suddenly, I didn't see Vicki as a helpless victim of circumstance. What I saw was yet another freak of nature that was trying to take away somebody that I loved.

And that was something that I would never allow to happen again.

I grabbed the broken piece of wood that Elena had dropped earlier and jammed it into Vicki's heart through her back and wrenched it back out, watching as she cried tears of blood before her skin turned gray and her body collapsed to the ground in a shriveled heap. I could vaguely make out Jeremy screaming the dead vampire's name and Sam and Stefan holding him back from seeing the body.

"Dean?" Sam called out warily. At the sound of my brother's voice, I finally dropped the wooden plank and turned around to face him and the others. "Sammy," I breathed, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." "Dean," Stefan chimed, and I had to fight the swell of power coursing through me, telling me to kill him when I heard his voice. "Stefan, I would keep my distance for now," I growled.

"Why?" Elena asked shakily. In response, I rolled up my left sleeve and held out my arm, revealing the completed Notam Bellatores on my forearm. Elena covered her mouth in shock while Sam gasped in dismay. And Stefan... well, Stefan just looked at me as though I were a bomb that was about to blow up. And in a way, I guess that was true. All these years spent trying to control my Curse and trying to stave off the madness that came with it had been building up to this moment, and now that it was here, there was nothing that anyone could say or do to reverse what had happened.

"Stefan, can... can you please get Jeremy and Sam out of here?" I croaked.

"No, Dean, wait," Sam cried softly.

"Sam, please, just— just go with them, okay?" I implored. "Please."

Sam seemed to get the message, and if he didn't, then Stefan did, and he started dragging Sam and Jeremy back towards the entrance, only stopping to make a phone call, presumably to Damon, before he took the boys back into the school. Once we were alone, I finally collapsed to my knees in front of Vicki's body and let the pain and hurt that I had been holding back for the last few years flow out of me in hysterical sobs.

I was so caught up in my agony that I barely registered Elena sitting next to me on the ground and cradling me in her warm embrace. Nevertheless, I clung to her like a lifeline, like I would die the second I let go of her. It seemed like we were there for centuries, with just the two of us in that empty space.

In a way, it was peaceful. And for a moment, I was taken back to this past summer when all we seemed to do was just sit around with no one but each other to keep us company. God, I wish I could go back to that time. A time before Damon showed back up in my life. A time before Elena found out about my past. A time before Sam and I started arguing every other day. A time before Vicki was turned into a vampire. A time before I completed my transition and became... this.

"You guys should go. I got this," came the voice of Damon, jolting me out of my thoughts. Within seconds I was on my feet, and I used every ounce of my newfound strength to hurl Damon into the nearest bus, leaving a huge dent in it and shattered some of the glass, as he made impact.

"You," I snarled, pulling him off the bus. "You did this, you son of a bitch!" Then I kicked him squarely in the chest and sent him soaring into a brick wall with a loud crunch. Damon crumpled to the ground and didn't move for a long while giving me enough time to consider picking up the makeshift stake that I used earlier. It would have been so easy. In an instant, all of my problems could have disappeared right then and there.

However, before I could make a decision, I doubled over in pain as images— memories— of me and Damon smiling and laughing flashed through my head. But there was something off about them. In the memories, Damon's hair was a little bit longer and wavier than it is now and the two of us seemed to be wearing old-fashioned clothing. The images shifted and showed the two of us out by the quarry standing out in the rain kissing, still wearing similar clothes as before.

"Promise me we'll always be together?" Damon whispered against my lips when we broke apart.

"Always and forever," I replied, before pulling him back in for another kiss.

I don't know whether it was because of the massive migraine pounding against my skull or the self-induced dizziness from how fast the memories were going through my head, but one way or another my vision became blurry as the world spun around me before going black.

But even in the blackness of my subconscious the turmoil of my new circumstance would not leave me be.

It was an accident, an adrenaline-fueled, heat-of-the-moment, instinctive mistake. I— I didn't mean for it to happen. I didn't mean for it to end like this.


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