Sam II

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This is bad! Like this is really bad! I know that Dean didn't want me to get involved with this whole mess with Damon Salvatore, but I couldn't just sit back and do nothing as Damon rolled over Mystic Falls.

Now unlike Dean, I'm not going to go off half-cocked in search of a fight. Of course, I'm also not going to let him do whatever the hell he wants either. So when Dean left to go to the party, I might have lied and told him I was staying home so I could sneak out to the woods by the Falls to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

And while I was wandering through the woods, I came across dead victim number four. I crouched down and carefully examined the body and checked for any sign of a pulse, but there was none. Then, I gently moved the girl's head to the side and grimaced the two bloody fang marks decorating her neck.

"Damn it!" I swore.

I quickly looked around and checked to see if anyone was watching me, before pulling my phone out of my pocket and calling Dean's number. I rose to my full height and tapped my foot on the forest floor anxiously as the phone rang in my ear. "Come on, bro, pick up," I pleaded.

"Hello?" came Dean's voice through the phone. "Dean, we have an issue. I found another body in the forest near the Falls," I explained hurriedly. "Sam, what the hell is wrong with you?" Dean chided. I rolled my eyes at my brother's overprotective attitude. All of a sudden, I was at full-awareness once I heard a twig snap from a distance away from myself and the body.

"Dean, I think someone is out here," I whispered into the phone. I winced as he swore loudly in my ear demanding that I tell him where I was. Then, I heard a faint scream coming from the same direction that I heard the twig snap. "Dean, someone's in trouble I've gotta go," I said.

"Listen to me, Sammy, don't do it. Just stay there, I'll--" I hung up and pocket the phone before he could get the rest of his sentence out. Then, I grabbed a wooden stake out of my the inside of my jacket and darted off into the woods to find the latest victim on Damon's kill list.

Honestly, can't I just have a normal first week of high school like everyone else?

To Be Continued...


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