Family Ties: Sam I

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I was splayed across the couch, lazily flipping through the channels on the TV with the remote when Aunt Sheila walked in. "Now, boy, what have I told you about laying on my couch?" she snapped making me jerk in surprise. I quickly sat up rigidly and gave her a sheepish smile. "Sorry, Aunt Sheila," I apologized solemnly. "It won't happen again." Her expression softened and she moved to sit next to me on the sofa. "Alright, child, I know I can be strict sometimes, but not strict enough to make you feel all sad the way you have been for the last few days," Aunt Sheila jested. I cracked a small, thin smile. "I know that, and it's not you, it's—" I grimaced to even mention his name.

Thankfully, I didn't need to, as Sheila seemed to know exactly who I was referring to. "Ah, and what did your brother do and, or, say now?" "It's more like what he didn't tell me," I scoffed bitterly. I sagged my shoulders in exasperation, as Sheila wrapped a comforting arm around me and held me close. "Listen, I know that things have been rough between you and your brother, but I'm sure you'll both work it out," she consoled softly. "But that's the thing, Aunt Sheila, I don't know if we can," I argued. "I've found out more secrets about my brother in the past week than I have in the whole time I've known him. I get that some of these secrets he didn't tell me because he thought he was protecting me, but the other secrets— I don't know, I... I just don't know anymore."

"Well can I tell you what I know?" she asked. I shrugged half-heartedly in affirmation. "What I know is that ever since I met you boys you have been joined at the hip. Now maybe some of that's got to do with some of John's questionable parenting skills, but most of it is from you and Dean genuinely loving and caring about each other. And that's something that no amount of secrets can ever change," Sheila replied. "Now it won't be easy, and it will definitely take some effort on your part, but I think you and Dean will be just fine. So long as you keep at it and don't let anything or anyone come in between you. Understand?"

I sniffled slightly and smiled. "Good," she huffed, then she got from the couch and started back towards her bedroom. "Hey, Aunt Sheila, before you go, do you have any old tuxedos around the house?" I perked up suddenly. "I think so, why?" Sheila questioned.

I smirked knowingly. "Nothing, I just got an idea."

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