Haunted: Recent Developments and Pressing Issues

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"So, thank you," Dean said awkwardly as he and Damon walked downstairs. "For what?" Damon asked. Dean looked away sheepishly, and Damon's eyes gleamed in understanding. "Ah, you mean for not taking you to my bed last night," he grinned.

"Whatever, just... thanks for accepting my wishes," Dean grumbled.

"Dean, I'll always respect your wishes. I realize that lately, I haven't been doing that and I'm sorry," Damon replied softly as he gazed deeply at the man he loved.

Dean was almost taken aback by his honesty. And yes, Damon was definitely being honest. His voice always got softer when he was being honest. Dean figured that was probably the reason why he was so obnoxious and boisterous all the time. It was a façade to cover up who he really was, and Dean was probably one of the few people who knew that.

The hunter and the vampire were snapped out of their haze by the sound of the doorbell ringing and just like that Damon's soft expression sharpened again as he smirked impishly while heading for the front door. "Right on schedule," he mused.

Dean arched his eyebrow and darted after him. "What do you mean? Who's right on schedule?" Dean questioned.

Instead of answering, Damon simply opened the door to reveal none other than Dean's ex-girlfriend Elena. "Elena?" Dean frowned. Elena's attention was immediately drawn to Dean who was standing a little too closely behind Damon. Despite her sock and displeasure, she brushed it off and cleared her throat to speak. "Dean, I, uh, went by Miss Sheila's and she said that you weren't there so..." she trailed off. "So you came looking for me here?" Dean concluded.

Elena nodded.

"And good morning to you, little miss " I'm on a mission"," Damon quipped. Dean rolled his eyes as Elena folded her arms and glared at Damon. "How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done?" she sneered. "And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?" Damon shot back.

"If you wanted me dead, I'd be dead," Elena argued.

"Trust me, sweetheart, all I want to do right now is rip your throat out... with my teeth," Damon snarled.

"But you're not going to because I said so," Dean stepped, having had enough of the incessant bickering. "Elena, go inside and upstairs to the room at the far end of the hall on the right. Stefan's in there." Elena nodded her head, glancing at Damon one last time before moving past him to get into the house.

Once she was inside, Damon and Dean walked outside and closed the door behind them, and then Damon started walking over to his Camaro. "Where are you going?" Dean queried.

"Why so interested in what I'm doing all of a sudden?" Damon retorted. Dean couldn't find an answer to that. Hell, the fact that Dean had to come up with an answer, to begin with, was a sure sign that the answer he was looking for was not an answer he was going to like. And if he didn't like the answer, then Damon was going to love it!

Not wanting to make himself seem too suspicious, Dean settled on a half-truthful response. "Look, I'm just making sure that you're not going into town and turning more people into vampires against their will."

Damon bit his bottom lip as he studied the half-Hunter, his blue eyes searching Dean's green ones for any sign of deceit. When he could find none, at least that he let on, Damon shrugged his shoulders and said, "Get in."

Dean scoffed, "And why would I do that?"

"Because you wanna know what I'm up to, and the only way to figure it out is by coming with me," Damon replied smugly.

Dean remained standing where he was and Damon groaned in annoyance. "Look, I'm not gonna kill anyone, or maim anyone, or torture anyone, if that's what you're worried about," he promised. After a moment of thought, Dean relented and walked with Damon to the Camaro, ignoring the shit-eating grin that threatened to split the vampire's face wide open.

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