Night of the Comet: Dean III

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The ride in the Impala was silent which only made me more uneasy about the difficult conversation my brother and I were sure to have once we got home. But I honestly just wanted to get it over with now. "Sam, will say something, please?" I asked with a sigh. "What do you want me to say, Dean?" he replied after a while. "You've been lying to me since we got here 3 years ago after promising that you would stop hunting. You've kept me in the dark about whatever it is that you're going through. And to top it all off, you lied to me about there being vampires in this town!"

Now, this got my attention. "What do you know about that?" I questioned. Sam rolled his eyes at me and gave me his resting bitch-face. "Aunt Sheila told me everything about the Salvatores, everything that you once again kept secret," he snarked. "Hey, hey, I only lied to keep you out of it, alright?" I snapped. "I didn't want you to have to get dragged back into this mess."

"Then why aren't they dead yet?" Sam inquired, and rightly so, unfortunately. I remained silent. What could I say? He was right after all. I hadn't killed them, but I couldn't just tell him that doing so would curse me with immortality and doom me to forever roam the world slaying vampires while he got to live a normal, apple pie life. But if I told him that, then he'd either yell at me for lying about that too, break down and cry, or dedicated the rest of his life to finding a cure for me. Knowing him, he would probably do all three.

So, I decided to do the exact thing that got me caught up in this mess in the first place. Lie, again.

"Because," I told Sam, "these vampires are harder to kill than all the others, and Damon is a very vindictive person." Out the corner of my eye, I saw him give me a disbelieving glare. "So, you're scared that they'll beat you?" he inquired, but I could hear the challenging tone in his voice. "No, I'm worried that if I go up against Damon and lose, you and the rest of the town will be left vulnerable," I answered.

"Okay, first off, Damon Salvatore has killed three people already. Two, I can take care of myself. Three, why do you mention Damon but not his brother?" Sam listed off. "To contradict everything you said in order, he didn't kill that college girl because the time of death was before he got to town, and he always leaves a certain "mark" on his victims that I couldn't find on Eris's body. Two, Damon's species of vampires is approximately five times stronger and faster than your average human, which means he could kill you instantly without you realizing it, and don't even get me started on their compulsion.

"And lastly, Stefan only feeds off the blood of animals and I know this because I have known him and his brother for years coupled with the fact that vampires who don't feed on people are significantly weaker than their "meat-eating" counterparts. Plus, all Stefan has tried to do was avoid his brother for the last hundred years because he doesn't want trouble," I countered. "And before you get pissed at me for befriending a vampire, you were the one who convinced me that not all monsters were evil. I'm just following your example."

"You've known Damon Salvatore and his brother for years and you didn't tell me?" Sam shouted. Crap! I cringed at my mistake and quickly tried to think of a way out of this to no avail. "Yes," I exhaled deeply.

"For how long?"

"About two and a half years," I replied. "But to be fair, they saved my life on a hunting trip when I met them."

"You mean after you promised to stop hunting, and then continued to do it anyway for three years?" Sam remembered. I winced and bit my lip. "Yeah, that, too."

He scoffed. "I don't believe this."

Then the car was plunged back into dead silence (sorry for the pun), as we traveled down the empty road. Neither of us spoke for a long time. Half of me was glad for the reprieve, while the other part of me just wanted Sam to say something, anything, just to break the silence.

"Do you trust Stefan?" he asked quietly. I glanced at him warily before looking back at the road and saying, "Yes." "With your life?" Sam questioned. I nodded slowly. "I trust him with my life."

"Then, I trust you."

Well, that certainly wasn't the response I was expecting. Even though a lot of questions were burning through my skull right now that I wanted to ask him, I decided that tonight was not the night for me to look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Thanks, Sam."

"You're welcome."

"So, on a scale of "clean the yard" to "getting turned into a frog", how mad do you think Sheila is at me right now?" I asked half-jokingly. My little brother snorted at my expense. "Dude, she's probably gonna light your ass on fire the moment you step through the front door," he chuckled. I grimaced.

Well, that's just great.

I knew this conversation wasn't over. Sam still had questions that I couldn't bring myself to answer; well, not honestly. And if things continued as they were, then I'm gonna end up lying to him the whole school year.

And that's something that I won't hesitate to do if it will keep him safe. Even if he hates me for it.

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