Chapter 26: Captured

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Danny's POV

(Y/n) fell asleep, her back turned to me. I was glad she was finally getting some rest, but I was more worried about her father. He really is the worst father.
I sat up as best as I could so I was able to get a better view of our surroundings. The dark started to roll in, soon it'd be really cold. I need to make a fire to keep us warm. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to start a fire.
"You seriously don't know how to start a fire?" I jumped at the sudden voice. I noticed (y/n) was now sitting up and giving me a judging look as she crossed her arms.
"(Y/n)? I thought you went to sleep."
"Oh, right. I should've known."
"You are completely useless, you know that?" She grumbled as she grabbed dry grass and rocks. She started by putting the rocks in a circle and adding the dry grass in it. She then grabbed two sticks and started rubbing one against the other very fast. In less than I minute, I saw smoke coming from the stick and then a small fire came to life.
"Where'd you learn how to do that?"
"You pick stuff up."
I didn't press further. I slowly added more dry grass and twigs to the fire, feeding it so it would get bigger.
"Do you really like her?" Missy asked, breaking the comfortable silence.
"Well—." I blush. "Yeah. She's smart, pretty, and great company, and not to mention she is a halfa like me."
"I think she's starting to like you too. I could feel it. Especially today."
She nodded.
"How is it that you can control her body while she's sleeping? Doesn't she feel it?" I asked. I always wondered how all this worked for the both of them.
"It's kind of like I overshadow her. As far as I know, she doesn't notice when I do it. At least, not when she's asleep."
"Do you ever do it just for fun?"
"No. I protect her. I only do it if I feel like she's in danger. She's too scared to confront others, so that's where I come in. For example, the horrible girl from way back that had us suspended."
"Paulina? That was you? Whatever you said to her, it must've been bad."
"I only told her the truth. It's her fault for taking offense."
It became quiet again. Missy told me to sleep while she kept watching. I could've argued that I wasn't tired but I'm sure Missy would've knock me out just to get me to sleep. Besides, if I also wanted to protect (y/n), I needed all the rest I could get.

The next morning I woke up to a small tickle on my nose. I scrunched my nose to try and make the feeling go away, but it didn't. I opened my eyes and realized that my nose was touching (y/n)'s! I backed away quickly. After calming down, I looked at her and noticed how cute she looked when she was at her calmest. Her mouth slightly open as she breathed through her mouth.
The morning was warm, especially with the sun directly above us. It was also quiet, save it for the birds and other woodland creatures.
"Hey, time to wake up. Come on we can't stay here forever." I shake (y/n). Her eyes flutter open and she rubs her eyes.
"Danny! You shouldn't be moving!" She shouts with worry.
"I'm fine, really. Whatever that huntress gave me worked really well!"
"Do you mind... if I..." She mumbled, her cheeks flushed red.
I let her see for herself that the injury has completely healed. All that was left was a bruise. (Y/n) let out a relaxed sigh. I help her up and we both discuss what our next move should be. Our discussion was cut short when a net trapped (y/n).
It wasn't a ghost who was behind this, we would've sensed it. Then...
"You, young lady, are grounded!" It was (y/n)'s father.
"Let her go!" I shouted. He looked at me.
"You're that Fenton kid! Get away! She's dangerous! She's a monster!" He tried to scare me away.
I tried to pull the net off her, ignoring her dad's cries.
"If you won't move, I'll make you!"
"Danny! Please, just go! I don't want you to get hurt again!"
"I stayed so I could protect you! I'm not going to abandon you now!"
"Kid, listen! I know this looks bad, but I'm trying to save her!" He growled when I ignored him. "LOOK AT WHAT YOU DID (Y/N)! YOU BRAINWASHED AN INNOCENT KID!"
This guy was making me so mad.
I couldn't pull off the net using my human strength, but I couldn't risk exposing my secret.
Come on, Danny! (Y/n) needs you! Who cares about your secret right now?!
I transformed and was able to phase through the net, grab (y/n), and pull her out.
"Another one?!" Her dad yelled. "You poor boy. I'm sure Vlad will help you too." He shot another net at the both of us. He caught both of us and activated an electric shock to knock us out.

When we came to, we were both locked in a cage. I tried to transform but I couldn't.
"You won't be able to use your powers. We gave you both a serum that will temporarily stop it." (Y/n)'s dad said. He was walking around wiping things down.
"Vlad will be here very soon. My daughter will be first then you." He looked at the door as footsteps grew louder and louder. "Ah, speak of the devil. Looks like Vlad is here."

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