Halloween Special!!!

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It was the day before Halloween, everyone at school shared their ideas for costumes, pranks, and fun. There had been mummers about a Halloween bash at someone's house and Danny hoped he'd be invited.
"What are your guy's plans for Halloween?" Sam asked.
"I was gonna go out trick-or-treating." Tucker replied.
"Don't you think your a little too old for that?"
"You can never be too old for candy!"
Sam rolled her eyes. "What about you Danny?"
"I'm not planning on doing much. I'll probably just stay in and watch some movies. You both could always come over and join."
The bell rang and they parted ways for class.
The day went on oddly quietly. Too quiet for Danny's liking. There was usually always a ghost near by, but today was... Normal.
The air was cold but the sun shined bright. The last of the red, orange, and yellow leaves fell from it's branches. Trees swayed as Danny walked by them on his way home. There was an odd feeling in his stomach. He stopped and looked around. No one was there. His ghost sense didn't go off either. Danny shrugged off the odd feeling and continued walking.
"It's just the scary vibe of Halloween." He mumbled to himself. As he turned the corner, a creature jumped out and gave a big shout.
"Aaahhh!" Danny screamed and fell over. He looked up at the laughing creature in annoyance. The creature removed it's mask and revealed who was truly the one to scare him.
"(Y/n)! Don't do that!"
"I'm sorry!" She laughed. "You should've seen the look on your face though!"
Danny stood up and dusted himself off.
"Why are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be grounded?"
"Yeah, but sshh! It's our secret! I'm never allowed to celebrate Halloween because of him and I've always wanted to. It looks like so much fun!"
"Yeah, it's fun when you're 4, not 14."
"Oh, come on! Think of all the candy you can get and all the scares... All the pranks!!" Her eyes widened at the thought of all the pranks she could pull. She grabbed onto Danny's arm tightly and asked, "Want to go trick-or-treating with me?"
He wanted to say no, but couldn't. This would be her first time and probably her last. (Y/n) stared desperately at him, hoping he'd say yes.
Danny sighed and gave in, "Sure. But what are you gonna tell your dad?"
"Study group with you, Sam, and Tucker?"

~Time Skip because I don't have a lot of time to work on this~

(Y/n) kicked the front door to Danny's house open, laughing and giggling. She was full of energy despite how late it was. She had two bags full of candy, one in each hand (Danny didn't want his).
"I had so much fun! Thanks for coming with me Danny!"
"It's no problem, really. I'm glad you had fun."
"What should we do now?"
"We could watch a movie."
(Y/n) jumped on the couch excitedly.
"A Halloween movie?"
"Sure." Danny chuckled. This may have been the happiest he's ever seen her.
While the movie played, they both fell asleep. It wasn't until the end of the movie when Danny woke up. Everything was so dark, the only light came from the TV and that wasn't enough. He looked beside him, but (y/n) was no longer there. She must have went home. Danny stood up, and tried to switch on the lights. They wouldn't work. Danny didn't think much of it. He went to the kitchen and find a flashlight to use.
Besides the sound from the TV, it was completely silent. So silent that the TV sounded like a roar. As he went to turn it off, he noticed the credits weren't credits.

Technical Producers
Danny? Can you hear me?
It's (y/n)!
You need to wake up.

Sound Designers
Danny, wake up!
We need you!

He was so confused. Was he really dreaming? Everything was too real for this to be a dream. He must have been imagining things.
He turned off the TV and went upstairs to his room. As he climbed into bed, the house phone rang. It's ringing so loud Danny was scared it may have woken up his parents. He ran to answer it.
"Hello? I can't hear."
Static. "Da-- trapped!" Dial tone.
"Prank callers. Why do they have to call so late at night?" He realised he didn't even know the time. What time is it? What time did (y/n) leave? Did she make it home?
Danny dialed her house number only to be meet with "This number is no longer in service".
"I hope she made it home." Danny yawned and went back to his room.  Just thinking about his bed had made him tired. His warm, comfortable bed with soft blankets.
Every step taken drained his energy immensely.
"So tired... Just need some sleep." He mumbled.
A sudden jolt of pain seemed to have woken him up a little.
"Danny wake up!" He heard Sam.
"Sam? Are you here?" Danny went around the house but could not find her
"This ghost has you trapped in a dream!"
"If there was a ghost I would know. Where are you?"

Look outside!"
"You're outside?" Danny opened the door but did not see Sam. In fact, he didn't not see anything. Beyond his front door was an endless void.
"You've been asleep for two days! Please wake up! Find the exit!"
"Two days? How do I find the exit?"
"Look for something that doesn't belong."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Hurry! If you don't wake up soon, you'll die!"
"What exactly am I looking for?! Sam!" He was left alone. Danny sighed. "Guess I'm on my own now."

Danny searched the whole house but nothing seemed out of place or odd. He spent maybe a few hours looking around his hoise top to bottom. Soon he decided not to even try anymore. He was getting really tired anyway. A nap would really help him.
Scraaaatch scraaaatch
Something was scratching the walls.
'Don't go to sleep!' Danny read. He groaned and dragged himself around the house and looked again for something missing or out of place.  He looked at a family photo. Something was off. That was him and his family, wasn't it?
"My dad is Vlad Masters. My dad is Jack Fenton." He thought for a moment. "My dad is Jack Fenton!" Danny broke the picture and his environment changed. He was now at school.
"Danny?!" His two friends shouted from the far end of the hall. "You did it! You're awake!"
"Sam? Trina? Is it really you? Am I really awake!"
Sam and Trina ran to their friend and gave him a hug. Sam was really Sam! He looked just as Danny remembered. And Trina looked as cute as she always was.
"Where is everyone?" Danny asked.
"Out having fun. It's Halloween after all!" Trina smiled.
"Let's go have some fun!" Sam dragged them both out. The whole town was there. Everyone was in their costumes playing pranks and getting candy.
They ran past a billboard. Danny stopped to look at it. It looked like a movie advertisement. There was a picture of a person, but on half seemed different than the other.

Not us!'

Sam and Trina came up behind Danny  and dragged him alone to continue having fun.
"Wait guys! Am I really awake?"
"Of course you are Danny." Trina said.
"It's all over now."
"Speaking of over, I think I should go home and sleep. I'm so tired." Trina said.
"Yeah, me too." Sam stated. "You should get some sleep too. You must be really tired after all that."
Danny yawned. "I guess I am." He was suddenly in bed, Sam and Trina at his bedside singing soothing lullabies. His eyes felt heavier each second that passed.
"Wait, no!" I can't sleep! I need to get out of here!" He shouted. "You guys aren't my real friends! Who are you?!"
Sam and Trina were shocked, but when could no longer fool him, they gave away their true forms. Two horrible ghosts. Each had three rows of sharp teeth and stood 10 feet tall.
Danny transformed and fought. It was hard, but the fight ended in his favor. The two imposters were gone and the environment changed again.
This time Danny was back in his house. (Y/n), Sam, and Tucker surrounded him. There were shouts and screams outside, the town was being overrun by ghosts.
"Am I really back this time?" Danny asked.
"I'm so glad you're ok!" (Y/n) threw herself on Danny, giving him a hug.
"What's happening?"
"There's a ghost out there that is feeding on people's energy. He puts you to sleep and drains the energy out of you until you die!" Tucker explained.
"Your parents went out there to try and stop the ghost. They haven't come back yet." Sam said.
"I have to do something."
"We have to do something." (Y/n) said. Everyone looked at her with confusion.
"Time to spill the beans." She said. She transformed in front of everyone. "Both of us together we can beat her!"
"Let's do it!" Danny said. He transformed and they both flew out into the city.

~Another time skip~

They found the ghost who did all this. She was big in size and seemed to have a lot of energy. It was going to be hard to beat her.
Danny and Missy were very hurt, but they continued to fight.
"Come on Phantom, is that really all you have? Pathetic!" Missy shouted at him.
"Don't attack me! Focus on this ghost!" Danny said as he struggled to get up. Missy came falling from the sky.
"I... I need some sleep." She said. She transformed back and slept. Danny crawled over to her and tried to wake her up.
"Wake up! You can't sleep!" Danny shouted. "(Y/n), wake up!"
All seemed hopeless. No matter what they did, it didn't affect the ghost in any way. He was tired. So tired.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't protect you guys." He fell and closed his eyes. Never opening them again.

(A/N: Happy Halloween!!! I hope you enjoyed this Halloween special! Just so you guys know, this is NOT part of the main story!!! It's just a Halloween chapter to celebrate a great spooky holiday! And another thing, I did not expect to end it this way. I wanted it to be a happy ending, but where's the fun in that? Hope you enjoyed it and I hope you have a great Halloween! 🎃🎃🎃🎃)

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