Chapter 13: Syren's Song

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Danny's P.O.V

Sam hasn't talked to us since we had that fight. She didn't even help with the project! Tucker and I had to do it ourselves. We completed the project at the very last minute and ended up getting a decent grade on it. (Y/n) was the last to give her presentation. She started off quiet, but soon she spoke up. During her presentation, my ghost sense went off. I looked around but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Sam stood up and knocked (y/n)'s project out of her hands.
"I know you're hiding something, you may have Danny and Tucker fooled but not me! I'm going to find out what you're hiding and expose you! Stay away from my friends!"
"MISS MANSON!" Lancer shouted. Sam turned her attention to Lancer. "Stay after class a while." He said to her.
"Um, Mr. Lancer," (y/n) spoke up, "can I step outside for a bit?"
"Be my guest, but don't go running off."
The bell rang and Lancer excused everyone except Sam. He asked if I could call (y/n) back in as I walked out the class. Sitting on the floor, hugging their knees was (y/n). Her breathing was loud but slow.
"Hey, are you ok? Mr. Lancer wants to talk to you."
"I'm fine. Just give me a minute."
"Alright see you later." I said as I went to my next class.
Before I reached the door to my next class, my ghost sense went off again. I looked around once more but did not see anything. A student in the hall shoved someone against the lockers.
"I know my girlfriend is cheating on me with you! I thought you were my friend!" They started a fight. It was over as soon teachers came out to stop them. I shrugged it off and went to class.

Later, after school, I found (y/n) waiting for me at the front of the school. Tucker had already gone and Sam was in detention. I walk up to her and ask her if she's ready to go home.
"Actually," she said in her shy voice, "I only waited to let you know that I'm gonna get back to your place kind of late."
"Oh, ok. Don't be out too late, Jazz might freak out."
(Y/n) nodded.

As I walked down the sidewalk alone, I started thinking about what Sam did and how she was out of line. There was much I wanted to say to Sam, but I decided to bite back my tongue. Just as I made that decision, my ghost sense went off. I looked around again, but saw nothing.

I know how you feel
Come with me, we'll make a deal
I'll help you speak your mind
After this, you are mine

It whispered in my ear in a quiet and peaceful song. I could feel my body move on it's own. Instead of heading home, I was going back to school. I had no control of my actions. It was as if I was trapped in my mind.

I found Sam sitting in Mr. Lancers class with her head on the desk. Mr. Lancer was distracted by what was on his computer, giving wick glances at Sam every now and then to make sure she wasn't misbehaving.
Mr. Lancer got up and walked towards the door. I quickly turned invisible before I was caught. When he was out of sight I went in to talk to Sam.
"Sam." I said getting her attention. She picked her head up and seemed confused.
"Danny, what are you doing here?"
"I came to talk to you. Look, I don't like that you've become so obsessed with finding out (y/n)'s secrets. Who cares if she does, everyone had secrets!"
"Danny, it's not like that! I just have a bad feeling about her."
"Sam, you have a bad feeling about everyone that tries to talk to us. You're just territorial, or worse, your scared that Tucker and I might not hang out with you if someone new comes in to our friend group! Stop being so insecure and stop bullying (y/n)! If you don't, I'll never forgive you and... And..." I tried to hold back these last bit of words. I knew if I said it, I would regret it but the voice I heard before was so persuasive.

Do it. Say it. No words should be held back!

"Danny?" Sam said, she sounded worried.
"IF YOU DON'T STOP, I'LL NEVER SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN!" I shouted. After those words left my lips, I felt I had control over my own body again. But that only lasted a minute. My ghost sense went off and suddenly my body was being taken over by something else. I could feel my subconscious being pushed back and locked away, while a new driver took their seat at the wheel. After that, everything went fuzzy and then black. The last thing I heard was the voice from before.

You'll do for now.

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