Chapter 28: Stalker pt 1

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Danny's POV

After (y/n) had left, everyday seemed so much emptier. I can't remember life before her. Looking back, I felt as if I should have known her dad was a bad person. The day I met him I could have sworn I saw him glare at her. And who leaves their only teenage daughter home alone to go on a trip to... who knows where?!
I remember (y/n) tell me and Jazz about how her father would leave for months at a time. How was I not shocked?! How did I not realize?! It made my blood boil! I was so stupid! This whole thing could have been avoided had I payed attention to her! She would probably still be here right now!
As I scolded myself in my head, my ghost senses went off. It took me a second to realize it couldn't have been Missy. She was gone. As far as I knew, (y/n) hadn't gotten her back that day.
"Can I go to the restroom?" I raised my hand. The substitute teacher nodded, not looking away from their phone. I got up and went to the restroom. I made sure no one else was in there before I transformed.

I looked all around the school and didn't see anything out of the ordinary. To be completely honest, my heart wasn't in it. A part of me felt like I didn't care if a ghost attacked or not. A part of me felt like giving up and being normal again. Unfortunately Vlad's little serum to take away my ghost powers was confiscated by the police and that was the only one.
I went back to the restroom untransformed and went back to class.

Later that day, I was walking home with Tucker but my mind was blank.
"Hey, man, I hate to see you like this." He said, snapping me back to reality.
"I don't know what you mean?"
"You! You look horrible! It's been 2 weeks since she left but you act like she died!"
"How else am I supposed to feel? She might not ever come back, I might never see her again!"
Tucker sighs, "I get that you really liked her, but there are other girls out there! What about Paulina?"
Nothing. No other girls came to mind when I thought about someone I liked.
My ghost sense went off again! I looked around expecting to see something. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed someone sucking back into the shadows. It was probably the ghost I sensed.
"Don't look back, but I think there's a ghost following us." I whisper to Tucker. He looked back.
"I said don't look back!"
"Right, sorry."
"I didn't get a good look at it but it just seems to be following us."
"No idea. For now let's just keep walking; try to lose it."
Tucker nodded. We walked around town for a while but couldn't manage to shake the ghost off. My senses would constantly remind me that it's still following.

It was getting late and our feet were hurting. I told Tucker that I'd walk him home and if it's still following us, I'll confront it.
I walked Tucker home and he went inside. I couldn't sense the ghost anymore but I still had a feeling I was being watched.
I made it to my house without any incident. I went straight to put up the ghost shield just in case.
Jazz scolded me for being out so late without saying anything. I had to tell her about the ghost.
"That's why I put the shields up."
"You should've called at least." She crossed her arms.
"Sorry." I half-heartedly apologize. My mind was already drifting away from the conversation. I needed to know if that ghost is a threat or if... No! It can't be her. But I still have my hopes up.

It was hard for me to sleep last night. I had so many thoughts racing through my head and I couldn't focus on one at a time. I was thinking of a way to confront the ghost if it was still going to follow in the morning, I was thinking about (y/n) and how much I miss her, and I was thinking about Sam. I had to tell her about the ghost stalker. And lastly, I was thinking about the ghost. I wondered who it could've been and tried to figure out what they wanted, but nothing came to mind.

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