Chapter 15: The Truth

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Your P.O.V

As I walked back to Danny's house, I rehearsed what I would say to him. It was difficult to put to words.
"Danny, I," I mumbled to myself, "I have a secret that I've been keeping for a while now. I think Sam caught on, but I needed to tell you so that your friendship--" I stopped myself and started over.

I walked into the building and looked around for Danny. I found him talking to Jazz in her room. My ghost sense went off but knowing Danny is half ghost, I ignored it.
"Umm..." I uttered, making my presence known. When I had their attention, I asked to speak with Danny.
"I've been wanting to talk to you too. This is important." Danny said. "I get very mixed feelings around you and it's confusing me. While I do like you as a friend, I also like you more than a friend. I know we haven't known each other long but I feel like we have a special connection." He said bluntly. I could feel my cheeks heat up and his rather lame confession. "But," he continued, "I also like Sam a lot too, even though I'm mad at her at the moment because she has it out for you. So, what were you gonna say?"
I blinked. So I was right, Sam caught on that I have a secret.
"Oh, I just wanted to tell you that I... Needed to borrow your phone charger! I, um, can't find mine." I lied. Danny gave me a strange look as if he knew I was lying. And behind him I could see Jazz panicking as she tried to get me to stop. I was confused as to why she seemed scared.
"(Y/n), I know you're lying." Danny said, his voice distorted and echoed. "Words are meant to be spoken! Feelings shouldn't be hidden! Whether it is good or bad, the truth must always be spoken! Now, tell the TRUTH! Or I will make you."
I knew right away that that wasn't Danny.
A ghost seems to have taken over his body.
Yeah, I noticed that too. What should we do?
First we need to get away from here or someone will get hurt.
I ran away, far from the house and tried to hide so I can transform. I had to settle hiding in the dumpster, it was the only place where no one would see me.
"Ok, let's fight!"

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