Chapter 31: Found

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Danny's POV

It took a few weeks to figure out where (y/n) was. I hardly slept just trying to figure it out. My grades were dropping but I didn't care. (Y/n) is more important right now!
Sam and Tucker helped me out whenever they could. They were still keeping up with school and everything, which I totally understood. My parents were very upset with me but I couldn't care less. My sister did her best to take care of me too. She was the most understanding.

I spent most of my time in the ghost zone trying to figure out if they'd heard some rumors that might give me a hint to where (y/n) was being kept or about the little ghost girl that sent the message. When I was finally able to track the ghost girl down, I had her explain the message again.
"Did she say where she was?" I asked her.
"Kasas!" She smiled.
The little ghost girl nodded.
"Thank you!"
Now all that's left to do is save her.
No it's not.
(Y/n)'s dad... he'll just keep coming back and taking her away.
What can I do to make him stop?
Is there a way to stop him?

As I left the ghost zone, I transformed back to my human self.
"Well?" Sam asked.
"Kansas. She's in Kansas."
"How are you gonna get there?! That's halfway across the country!" Tucker exclaimed.
I thought for a second.
"Sam, is there any way your parents could get us a ride?"
"No, but I definitely can."

The ride to Kansas was long and bumpy. Heights don't really bother me since I could fly, but something about this helicopter made me feel unsafe which added to the anxiety I was feeling about (y/n).
We had a plan to make sure that her dad doesn't come back. There was a 70% chance of it actually working according to Tucker.
"ETA 23 minutes." The pilot said.
"Can't we go any faster?"
"Danny, relax." Sam said. "We'll save her."
"Everything is in place. Police are on stand by." Tucker added.
That made me feel a little bit better. But I would feel a lot better if I could go down there myself. But I had to do this the right way or else (y/n)'s dad would just keep coming back.

Finally we landed at a clearing in the woods. Police were waiting there. Once we got off the helicopter, Sam spoke to the police and told them about what's happening.
"We know our friend is being hurt by her father."
"Where's your proof?" A cop asked.
Tucker stepped forward, "Allow me." He pulled out his PDA and explained that he had live audio of (y/n)'s dad hurting her.

He played the audio.

I could hear her crying and silently pleading for her dad to stop. I heard the rattle of chains and glass breaking. I could hear her dad shouting.
"Please, there's nothing in me! You don't have to do this!"
It took all my will power to not transform and save her myself.
"We've heard enough." Another cop said. "You kids wait here and we'll go in and get your friend."
"Let me go with you!" I demanded. "She needs me!"
"Not possible. Don't worry, we'll bring her back safe."
I wanted to argue but then I realized I could go with them without them realizing.
As the police put on gear and we're heading out, I turned invisible and followed them.
They kicked down the door, announced themselves and searched the entire cabin for (y/n) and her dad.
I followed a few of the police who found (y/n).
"You're gonna be ok. Come with me." One of them said.
I made the chains intangible while the police weren't looking. (Y/n) looked around confused but she looked like she was trying to find me.
I whispered in her ear, "I'm right here."
She almost broke down and cried right there but the police hurried her out of the canon. Following behind was her dad in handcuffs yelling and shouting about his daughter being possessed which made him seem crazy.
I circled around and went back to Sam and Tucker. They both punched my arm and told me how stupid I was. How I could've messed up the plan.
"I know, I'm sorry. Come on let's go get (y/n) outta here."
We went to the cabin and saw (y/n) sitting at the back of am ambulance walked in a blanket and being looked at. When she noticed us, she came running despite the paramedic's warnings.
She came right to me and tackled me in a hug.
"You came!" She cried.
"Of course I did."
"I thought I was gonna die."
"You're ok. I promise nothing bad will happen to you ever again." I hugged her tighter.

After a few nights in the hospital, (y/n) was free to leave and come home. It took a bit of adjusting but (y/n) living with me and my family was probably the best thing that's ever happened. My parents became her legal guardians and I am lucky enough to officially be her boyfriend.
Missy never came back. It was different for (y/n) to not have her other half around but that didn't mean (y/n) couldn't take care of herself. Plus, I'll always be there when she needs me.


(Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed! I'm trying to work on other stories but work is keeping me very busy these days. I think my next big story might be for Star Vs The Forces of Evil. Maybe for Heroes Of Olympus. Thanks again for reading and loving this story!)

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