Chapter 1: New Ghost

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Danny’s P.O.V


    Life was going as it normally would in Amity Park; went to school, captured a ghost, and did my homework (unless I forget I have any). It's hard to be a hero and a student at the same time. It always seems impossible to have to keep up with both lives I have.  

    Today it seemed calmer. Throughout the whole day, not once did my ghost sense go off. I honestly thought I'd have a chance at a relaxing day. Sam, Tucker, and I were at our usual table with our slop in front of us. Not one of us has taken a bite from it, terrified of what it would taste like. We talked about what our plans would be for this weekend.

“I hear there's a Dumpty Humpty concert this weekend. First five people to get tickets gets to go backstage with them.” Sam says. Tucker and I were excited, until we realised that we didn't have any money for tickets and that they must have gotten the five tickets already.

“Aw, man! Why can't we ever get lucky for once!?” Tucker whined.

“Guys, don't worry. I bought the five tickets.” Sam says.

“You bought five tickets? But there's only three of us. Who gets the other two tickets?” I asked. Sam shrugged.

“You can make some serious cash with those tickets!” As soon as Tucker said those words, Dash came up to our table. He grabbed hold of my shirt and lifted me from my seat to look straight at his face. Just as I thought of my inevitable beating, my ghost sense went off. A loud BOOM! came from the direction of the entrance of the cafeteria. A giant weird ghost… squirrel… thing and a ghost girl came bursting through the doors. Everyone screamed and ran away. Dash let me go, causing me to fall on my butt, and ran. I hid under the table to go ghost.

“I'm going--” I was stopped when the ghost girl lifted the table I hid under and threw it at the other ghost. She then looked back at me as I said the final word, “ghost.” I transformed in front of the ghost girl. She looked at me with a mischievous grin. She wore and blue and gray jumpsuit. She had ash grey hair that was braided. Her bangs covered one eye and the other shifted colours. It went from hazel to green to blue, depending on the light. I was stunned.

“So, you're the 'famous' Danny Phantom.” She turned her head slightly as she put a hand on her hip. All I could do is nod. “You don't look so tough. Scrawny would probably be the best adjective to describe you.” She scoffed.

    The giant ghost squirrel thing used it's tail to hit the ghost girl. She was thrown against the wall and then fell in her knees.

“Now you just made me angry.” She growled. I had no idea what she was going to do. I soon found out that she was going to use an energy ball to destroy it, but this seemed more powerful than your average energy ball.

    One hit and the ghost squirrel was out like a light. The ghost girl panted. Her braided hair was unwinding and her jumpsuit was a bit torn. She floated to me where I still sat. She undid her braid to fix it.

“No help whatsoever.” She sighed disappointingly. I don't know anything about her. I don't know if she's good or bad. At least now I could really talk to her. I grabbed her quickly and pinned her to the wall.

“Who are you?!” I question.

“Really? I just saved this place from whatever that is and you're going to try to threaten me? Word of advice,” suddenly, I was the one pinned… to the floor, “if you want to pin someone, make sure their legs aren't free and you don't pin them facing you. The least you can do is pin them to the ground.” At first I didn't understand what she meant by “legs are free”. I thought for another split second and felt a sharp pain in my stomach.

    I heard her chuckle from behind as the weight of her body shifted off me. When did she hit me? I thought.

“See you next time Danny Phantom.” She flew away laughing at me.

“Danny!” I heard Sam yell. Sam and Tucker helped me up and asked what had happened. After telling them, we just stood there confused. I got out my thermos and used it to trap the knocked out giant squirrel. I transformed back to my human self and went to dispose of the creature.

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