Chapter 23: Going Away

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Danny's POV

The next day at school, as I was walking down the halls, I noticed Sam and Tucker were already waiting for me. Sam still seemed upset, but I understand why.
"Sam, I'm sorry. You were right. She was hiding something."
Sam sighed. "I shouldn't have done what I did. I'm sorry too."
"Friends." She smiles. "So what's the secret? Or did she ask you not to tell?"
"That's the thing. She said I could tell you, but I feel like I shouldn't."
"So are you or not?" Tucker asked.
"She's a halfa like me."
Their jaws dropped in surprise. I dragged them somewhere where there was little to no foot traffic so no one could hear us.
"She's like me, except not like me. Her ghost half seems to have a personality of its own."
"Is that even possible?" Tucker asked.
"Apparently it is."
"But how?"
"No idea."
"Ok, but it doesn't change the fact that she's dangerous." Sam said, obviously talking about the damage she's done to the city.
"You can't blame her for that. (Y/n), the human one, was just scared that I was hurt! She let her emotions take over."
Sam didn't seem convinced that (y/n) wasn't dangerous.
"We'll just talk to her. Ask her questions and then we'll see if she's really dangerous or not." Tucker suggested. We all agreed. The bell rang and we headed to class. We were waiting for (y/n) to show up but she never did. This made Sam a little more suspicious of her. She didn't come to school at all, it made me worry.
While at gym, the three of us were running around the track, as we talked. My ghost sense went off a second before something took hold of me and carried me away! No one even saw this happening (besides Sam and Tucker, of course).
"Danny, we need to talk." I heard. The voice was so familiar. Then the ghost showed itself. MISSY!
She put me down at the roof of the school.
"What's wrong? Why didn't you come to sch—."
"I don't have much time, ok, please listen. My father is taking me away."
"What do you mean? Where?"
"He said he found someone who could 'cure' me." She put air quotes over "cure".
"What do you mean? (Y/n) you're not making sense!"
"Missy! (Y/n) isn't here, so to speak. She's asleep. Anyway, that doesn't matter. We're leaving today and I don't think I'm coming back."
"Do you know who this person is?" I asked
"Some guy called Masters."
Immediately I knew who she was talking about. Vlad Masters.
"You can't go! He won't be able to help!"
"I don't have a choice." She showed my her wrist. There was a small red dot that looked like she'd had a needle in her. "My father put a tracking device in me. The minute he finds out I'm not home he's gonna come after me with your family's ghost hunting gear."
I had no words. I couldn't think of anything to say except, "don't go". I wanted (y/n) to be safe, but trusting Vlad was already putting her in danger. Her dad seemed like another threat to her life.
"I'm out of time. I hope when (y/n) wakes up, she'll be able to see you again. She won't admit it but you're very special to her." With that, Missy took off, leaving me on the roof alone. I stood there in silence unable to process any of what Missy had just told me. There had to be something I could do! I need to make sure that Vlad doesn't hurt (y/n)! I impulsively transformed and started following Missy from a distance so I wouldn't put her in danger. She needed to focus on getting home fast and I needed to come up with a plan to help her get away from her dad so she never sees Vlad.
I reached for my phone and called Tucker.
"Danny? Where did you go?"
"I don't have much time, (y/n) is in trouble."
"What? How?"
"Her dad is taking her to see Vlad Masters to 'cure' her."
"What do you mean by cure?"
"I think her dad think Vlad can take away her ghost half. Either way, I don't trust him. I'm following Missy right now back to her place, but I need help."
"How can we help?"
"I don't know yet, but try to get out of school as fast as you can!" The more I talked about it, the more I felt a pit of dread in my stomach.

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