Chapter 2: New Girl

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(Italics is ghost you in your mind. Bold and italics is human you in your mind. Regular is you talking out loud.)

Your P.O.V

     I didn't ask for this. My dad just thought it'd be better if we moved to some place where ghost were... common. And, although they were common throughout the city, people were never used to it.
     My dad was a scientist that really hope there'd be a cure for whatever was wrong with me. He said he found some people, other scientists, that specialises in these things. We had just gotten here and I already had a ghost alert. I found a giant squirrel running through the streets. I transform and chase after it, hoping I'd have some sort of fun with these powers of mine. The chase felt too quick. I followed it to a school where I saw a boy with the same power as me.
     After I had defeated the ghost squirrel, he attacked me. He was so weak to be completely honest! He had me "pinned" to the wall. I gave him a quick lesson on how to pin your enemy. I chuckled and flew away.

     I should probably give a brief history about myself. I've had these powers for as long as I could remember. My mom passed away when I was only five, so my dad had to raise me all on his own. Being the scientist that he is, he didn't come home often. Before we moved, I mostly spent my time at school or in the library. When I was home, my neighbour would check up in me every 15 minutes and made sure I ate. He was like my mom and dad sometimes. When I turned ten, that's when my dad and I both found out about my powers. He was terrified. He looked at me like I was a monster. He began researching everything he could about my powers. I wasn't his daughter anymore, I was his little lab rat.
     Eventually, he found a couple of scientists that he thinks could help him. I know my dad just wants to help "cure" me, but I don't think I want to be "cured". Upon discovering these powers, I had someone in the back of my mind to talk to. I wasn't so lonely anymore. The voice explained that it was me, but a me that was somewhat different. More confident and stronger than me as a human. I told this to my dad and he became a little more worried. And I guess that brings us up to date.

     "(Y/n), I'm going to Fenton Works. Would you like to come with me?" My dad asked as he came into my view from the hall. I had just gotten back from the whole ghost squirrel thing and had to act quickly. My dad didn't want me using my power just yet, but it was so hard to resist when a more persuasive and stronger version of me was in the back of my mind. I transformed back to myself and grabbed a random magazine as I hopped into the couch, playing it off as if I were reading it. Little did I know I was "reading" a magazine for dentures.
"What are you reading?" My dad asked. "Is that a denture magazine?" I looked at the cover as my eyes widen a bit and red spread across my face.
"Y-yeah. It's very interesting, in fact. Did you know dentures are for people with no teeth? Ha! Who knew?" I laugh nervously. My dad looks at me that shows a very confused expression.
"Anyway. Fenton Works? You coming?" He asked again.
"Beats sitting here."

      We arrived at their front door and my dad knocked. A minute later, a boy with black hair, a white t-shirt, and blue jeans opens the door. I recognised him as the kid who has the same power as me. He's the "famous" Danny Phantom. I let out a small gasp at my realisation and quickly shut up.
"Hello, I'm (your dad's name) and this is my daughter (y/n). We are here to see Mr. and Mrs. Fenton."
"Oh, you must be the scientist my parents won't stop talking about. Yeah, come in." We walked inside and sat on their couch. The boy called his parents and they came almost immediately.
     Mr. Fenton was a big, bulky man in an orange jumpsuit. The way he talked was how a moron would. How did he become a scientist? Mrs. Fenton had a real nice form. She wore a blue jumpsuit that had a hood and goggles. She had more of an intellectual tone than Mr. Fenton.
"Danny, why don't you keep Mr. (L/n)'s daughter entertained. I'm sure she doesn't want to hear what boring things we'll be talking about." Mrs. Fenton suggested.
"Yeah, sure. Come this way." He said as he turned his back to me. All I thought about was how he had the same name as his ghostly form. I wonder if he had different personalities as I did.
"He attacked you. Don't let your guard down."
"No, he attacked you. He doesn't know you're me. But I guess I'll keep my guard up."

     Danny had taken us upstairs. All the way up. We sat on the roof by the huge satellite that was attached to the house.
"Your dad is a ghost freak too, huh?" He said as he sat across from me.
"He's not a ghost freak!" I say, taking offense. "He's..."
"Don't tell him about you! You're going to give it away!"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to offend you." Danny apologises. "Did you just move here?"
"Must be pretty hard to have left all your friends."
"I, uh, I didn't have any. I'm not one to socialise with others much."
"Oh. Alright then. Are you going to start school at Casper High?"
I nod, "Next week."
"You should ask about the ghosts. Get as much intel as you can."
"Is this necessary? He seems ok."
"You never know."
As I was just about to ask, I hear Mr. Fenton calling for Danny and my father calling for me. Danny leads me downstairs and we say our formal good-bye's. I wanted to ask my dad what they talked about and why it was so quick, but I knew he would lie. He usually did if it was about ghosts.
     Back home, I surf the web on my laptop at my desk. I Google Fenton Works and find its all about ghosts. These people make equipment especially designed to capture, kill (if you can kill them), and seriously injure ghosts. I slam my laptop shut and climb into bed, thinking of what my dad was talking to them about.
"He's going to kill you just so that he can kill me."
"You're wrong! He wants to help me!"
"What else would it be? You saw who he turned to. We have to get out of here!"
"Shut up! You're wrong! He wants to help me!!"
"Fine. Keep denying it. Don't come crying to me when you realise I'm right." After that, I knocked out. I tossed and turned in my sleep as I dreamt of what I feared would happen to me.

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