Chapter 29: Stalker pt. 2

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Danny's POV

As soon as I stepped out of the house, I could feel something watching me. I looked around but didn't see anyone. Literally! Not a single person was outside! People who would usually go on a run or walk their dogs were nowhere in sight. No cars drove by either. I was starting to wonder if I missed some city announcement about staying indoors today, but my parents didn't tell me anything and neither did Jazz.

I heard an incomprehensible whisper. It echoed off the walls, down the empty street. I ignored it and started walking to school.
After a while, there were more and more people walking around going about their morning.
It was strange how there was nobody around my house until I got a few blocks away. For now I shrugged it off. I had to tell Sam about my ghostly stalker that I could still feel watching me. This normally wouldn't be a problem but I just can't seem to find out where it's hiding! Being watched all day is really unsettling.

"Well, had it done anything?" Sam asked.
"That's the strange thing, it hasn't. It's keeping its distance but also starting at me."
"It might be friendly, or scared. Why don't you try to lure it out?"
"How? We can't tell where it is most of the time!" Tucker whined.
"Maybe it's looking for a chance to talk to Danny alone? We could lure it to a dark place, make it think that Danny is alone and then capture it."
"That's actually a good idea."
We made plans to meet up that night in a secluded area to figure out who this stalker was and what they wanted.

It was nearly 2am when we all met up. We all had to sneak out carefully just to be here, though for me it was easier. We went over the plan once more before following through with it. Sam and Tucker hid and waited with the thermos just in case while I tried to grab the ghost's attention.
"Hello! Ghost stalker! I'm here and alone!" I shouted. "I don't know if you're good or bad but I just want to talk! I promise I won't hurt you!"
I waited and tried to get it to appear to me for a little longer. Then I saw it poking its head out from behind some crates.
"Hello. What's your name?" I asked. Looking at its face, I'd say this was a young girl about 6 years old.
"Melody." She said.
"Hi Melody. I'm Danny but you probably already knew that, right? Why are you following me?"
"I, um, you... ummm..." she stuttered with her words. "(Y/n) said that, um, you need... she needs, um, help."
"You know (y/n)?"
"I can't talk to strangers," the child hid herself again, "mommy says it's bad." She started to disappear.
"No, wait! What do you mean?"
It was too late, the child was gone.

Sam and Tucker came out and asked me what had happened. From where they were hiding they couldn't hear the child's voice. I told them what she said.
"(Y/n) needs help?" Tucker questioned. "I thought she was sent to a foster home. Shouldn't she be safe?"
"I hope so. But just to be sure, I need to find out where she is. And fast."

Danny Phantom x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora