Chapter 4: School Shopping

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Your P.O.V

     Day breaks and I'm huddled in bed. I hopped off and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and brush my teeth. I see my phone and headphones on my bedside table. I put on my blue headphones and scroll through my playlist of music and play that new song that everyone was obsessing over a month ago called Remember by Ember McLain. Its still a really good and catchy song. I head to the kitchen for a cup of tea hoping my dad wouldn't be there. To my luck, he wasn't. I gave a sigh of relief.
      As I walked into the kitchen, I open one of the pantries and pull out my favourite white glass mug decorated with a few light gray swirls. As I put the kettle on for my hot water, I notice a piece of paper taped to wall in front of me. I yanked it off and read it silently to myself. It was a message from my dad. Basically, all he said is that he'd be going out if town for a few weeks minimum and that I'd be starting school... Tomorrow?!
"Ugh! Way to give me a heads up Dad!" I said frustrated. I crumple the note and throw it in a random direction. I continue making my tea, adding spoonfuls of sugar and then the boiling water. As I mix the tea, the mail drops to the door in front of the door. Whether or was for my or my dad, I open it anyways. I see there are mostly coupons and some old magazines. As I continue to open up the mail, I notice a postcard from the Fentons.

"Looks like they're wishing Dad good luck on the ghost thing."

"Maybe it's just a welcome to the neighborhood kind of thing." I turn it around and saw it was just as I had expected. I calm down and let out a breath that I didn't realise I was holding. The next envelope was actually for me. They came from the school. I ripped it open and saw my class schedule for the semester. I had mostly regular classes, which was fine, but instead of getting honours English, I had regular English. I growl in frustration that my dad didn't get me the class I had asked for. 

"I guess the next thing to would be to go 'Back-to-School' shopping." I say as I finish my tea. I pull my sweater over my head and slip on my shoes. I make sure I have my keys and wallet before I leave the house.

     I had found a mall where I could probably find everything I needed. I saw a seemingly very angsty store. I felt drawn to it, but decided it wasn't the store for me. I found a more hipster store and went in. As I looked through the variety of backpacks, I saw one that was a simple light blue with light gray straps. Just as I was about to grab it, my ghost sense went off.  

"Looks like shopping will have to wait."

"Shut up."



Danny Phantom x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora