Chapter 24: Rescue pt.1

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Your POV

I couldn't argue with him. Nothing I say would make him change his mind. My father has been wanting this for years and now that the solution falls right on his lap, he won't hesitate.
The way my father was acting— it was like I didn't know him. He could have been a stranger kidnapping me if I didn't he was actually my father.

My ghost sense went off but I didn't see anything. I could guess that this ghost was probably the type to stay away from people but Missy told me exactly who it was.
"Yeah. I told him about our... predicament. I didn't expect him to follow us."
"Hey! Are you talking to that thing?" My dad shouted. "You're being too quiet, it's suspicious."
I could feel Missy trying to take over my voice.
"Just stay calm! Danny will get us out of here." I told her.
"I'm just bored." I said to him. "It's gonna be a long drive, can't we listen to some music or something?"
"Fine." He complied.
I reach for the radio and start looking for a station playing music. As I leaned forward, I noticed a weapon under my dad's seat. It was a ghost hunting weapon.
"Danny please help."

I ended up falling asleep during the drive. It was very uncomfortable sitting up to sleep, but I had no choice. My father wouldn't let me lay down in the back seat. Every once in a while I was reminded by my ghost senses that Danny was still following. He must be tired. I would give anything to be with him right now. I'm scared of my father, I don't trust this Vlad Masters, and I don't want to lose Missy.
The car jerked forward and back as it came to an abrupt stop. Scared and on high alert, I look around for what would have cause our stop. In from of us was a huge RV blocking the road. My father started honking at the RV but they didn't move. He then got out angrily to go and talk to the driver. The RV looked strangely familiar.
"(Y/n)! Over here!" I heard a whisper.
I looked out the window and saw Tucker crouched down next to my car.
"Come on, I have a way to take that thing out of your arm. Danny'll get you out of here."
I did not hesitate to get out the car. I showed Tucker the arm where my father put that tracking device.
"Where's Sam?" I asked while Tucker was working. I was almost afraid he would say she didn't come.
"She's buying us time." He said. I looked back and realized he meant that Sam was the one in the RV. The RV was Danny's. They had just disguised it so my father wouldn't notice.
"And done! Alright Danny, she's all yours."
When I saw Danny, I couldn't help but cry and hug him tightly. I knew he'd come to save me, and, seeing him made me feel like everything would be ok.
"It's ok, (y/n). Let's get out of here."
"Don't worry, we'll be fine." Tucker said.
Danny carried me and took off.
"I can fly too, you know." Missy said.
"I know but—."
"She wants to hold you."
"I take it, she's asleep?"
"No, she's too scared to sleep, but she is trying to rest as much as she can."

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