Chapter 12: Project Pt. 2

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Your P.OV

I went and grabbed all the stuff I needed. All except the wood glue, I'll get that later.
I was hard at work, cutting up the boxes and construction paper. I made little figures and painted them to match the description of the gods. I also made a little book out of the cardboard and construction paper. I was always a crafty person considering I never really much else to do.
I was doing all of this in their kitchen since I didn't really have a room for myself. Jazz walked in and started questioning me. She even offered to help, but I kindly refused."I think Danny may need help though." I state. Jazz goes to check on him. After working for a few hours on this, I decide to take a break. Maybe I could go out and get fresh air while getting some wood glue.
"Hey Jazz! I'm going out, I'll be back in a bit!" I shout. Hopefully she heard me. I grab my bag from the chair and walk out.
The air was hot, everything was hot.  It was good that I was wearing shorts but maybe the black sweater was a bad idea. I would take it off but I was only wearing a tank top and I'm very insecure.
It started getting too hot now. Beads of sweat dotted over my forehead. I decided to take off my sweater. As much as I felt better, I felt very uncomfortable. I wrapped my sweater around my waist and received some cat calls by teens I had walked by.
"If they do that again, I will hurt them."
"No, don't! I just want to get some glue and get out of the heat."
"No promises."
I made it to a crafts store and bought some glue. I was relieved to get through this day without any complications or ghosts. I was especially excited to be back in an air conditioned house.
"Use the back exit."
"What? Why?"
"Those guys are waiting for you."
I put my trust in my other half and asked an employee to use the back door. He wouldn't let me at first, but after I explained my situation he had no problem with it. He even offered to call the police.
"No, it's fine." I said. "Thank you."
"Just be careful." He replied. After exiting through the back, I made a run for Danny's house. I was able to get back safe without anything bad happening. I sigh in relief mostly because the cool air was hitting my face. As I walk to the kitchen, I find Danny and his friends admiring my project (or what I actually got done).
"I'm back." I say to get their attention. They look at me and I could tell that have so many questions. I awkwardly put the small bag with the glue on the table. "I'm going to shower." I say more awkwardly. I never really had to deal with showering when Danny was here because I always made sure to shower when he was at school. But I was so hot and sweaty.
While I was in there I heard a loud noise. Someone or something must've fell. I brushed it off and continued to rinse off my hair and body.

After drying off and getting into some clean clothes, I went back down to the kitchen to continue my project. I was glad to see that it was left untouched and undamaged. Except it wasn't. One touch and it all came crumbling apart. Upset with my creating skills, I try to fix it.
"Maybe we can fix it." I hear someone behind me say. Undoubtedly, it was Danny.
"Or we could just pretend that it wasn't us." Another male voice. His friend Tucker?
They seemed to stop when they saw me fixing my project. I was a bit annoyed that they messed up my project, but I wasn't completely mad. Danny did suggest they should fix it and it's not like they did it on purpose.
"Oh, hey (y/n). About your project..." Danny trailed off.
"We didn't mean to mess it up." Tucker finished.
"We're sorry." Sam added (I could hear a bit of annoyance in her voice but I didn't mention it).
"It's fine. It was an accident. I'll fix it up, don't worry." I smile.

Danny's P.O.V

If only she knew. After she left to take a shower, Sam suggested we snoop through her things and get "intel" on her. For some reason Sam doesn't trust (y/n). I think it's a girl thing. Tucker and I decided to not do that.
"It's an invasion of privacy, plus she hasn't done anything that realised suspicion." Tucker had said. Sam got upset that we wouldn't listen to her instincts and ruined (y/n)'s project!
Tucker and I got scared that (y/n) would be upset and tried to find a way to fix it. We didn't do too good of a job, so we ran back to my room and dragged Sam with us. After a while, I felt back and went to see if we could actually try and fix it. By the time that happened, (y/n) had already found it in shambles.
She didn't seem mad that we destroyed it, but she did seem annoyed. I felt really bad and wanted to help but it seemed like (y/n) works better on her own.
"Sorry again." I said.
"It's no problem, really." She replied. I dragged my two friends back to my room.
Sam stood by the door looking angry and her arms crossed over her chest. I stomped over the other side of my room before I began my yelling at Sam. Tucker sat quietly on my bed looking a mix of scared and upset.
"What's going with you Sam?! (Y/n)'s already being bullied by everyone at the school, do you really have to join in on that?!"
"I'm not bullying her!" she protested.
"You give her the stink eye, smash her project, and wanted to invade her privacy. I think that's bullying." Tucker said counting on his fingers. Sam growled.
"Just leave her alone. I want her to feel safe while she's here and not have to worry about invasion of privacy and being bullied." I said crossing my arms.
Sam turned her back on us, "I just don't trust her. She's hiding something, I just know it."
"You don't trust anyone." Tucker stated.
"Shes hiding something and I'll prove it!" Sam shouted and stormed off.


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