Chapter 30: Far Far Away

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Your POV

I was free from my father for maybe 3 days... But the police sent me back to him. Of course he was polite and perfect in front of the officers, but when we were alone his demeanor drastically changed. I was right back where I started but only this time I didn't have Danny to help me... Or Missy.
I have no idea where she went or if she was actually gone. The only thing I did know was that I couldn't reach her. She wasn't awake or even conscious. Almost like she was hibernating. She was so still and quiet that I couldn't feel her presence in me.
Earlier this week I sent a little ghost girl to give a message to Danny.
"Tell Danny that I need help, ok? Tell him that I'm in Kansas. Can you remember all that?" I asked hopefully. The little girl nodded and then took off. She was the only ghost I was able to make contact with and one that seemed nice. I hoped and prayed she delivered the message.

My father had me stowed away in a a small cottage far far away from anyone else. He practically kept me prisoner. I told my father that Missy isn't with me anymore but he refused to believe me.
"This is punishment for what you did." He told me. "We were so close to curing you!"
"I DON'T NEED TO BE 'CURED'!" I shouted at him. I was met with a slap. My cheek stinging and burning red.
"Don't raise your voice at me! You and that Fenton kid both need help!" He sighed and started mumbling to himself. "I'm just glad I was able to steal some of Vlad's notes for the cure. With these I could probably recreate the serum."
I wanted to fight back, to run away, but without Missy I am powerless. I knew my father would be too occupied with recreating the "cure" that he wouldn't care what I did. I claimed the first room I walked into and barricaded the door with the empty wardrobe. This would at least give me a warning he was trying to enter. He wouldn't be able to sneak in.
I sat on the empty bed and tried to talk to Missy. I was begging her to come back. If Danny doesn't come to save me, Missy would be my only chance.
"Missy, I still need you." I cried. I felt so alone.
"If Danny doesn't save me or if you don't come back... I'm scared I'm going to die."


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