Chapter 19: Onto You

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Your P.O.V

I just needed to get away for a while. I didn't want to be near Danny or his family and friends. If I hadn't let my emotions get the better of me, Danny wouldn't be scared of me-- of Missy. I had punished myself by letting Dash take his anger out on me. Then, Danny came... I don't deserve his friendship.
I distanced myself from him and ended up sneaking into the ghost zone through his ghost portal.

I roamed around the ghost zone trying to think things through. It was quiet and being weightless brought about some peace of mind.
"I care about Danny, which is why I was angry when he was hurt."
"I've always been indifferent towards him, so I don't really care if he hates me or not."
"You're not helping." I sigh. "I know he doesn't know you are me, but I can't help but feel horrible he saw that side of us."
"You were trying to protect him."
"Do you think I should tell him?"
"What would be the point? It makes no difference if he knows or not."
"I guess you have a point. What about running away from him? Was that a good idea?"
"You needed space. If you hadn't distanced yourself, Danny wouldn't let you think."
"He has good intentions, but you're right. How long have we been here drifting and thinking?"
"It's probably been a while. You wanna go back?"
"I think it's time."
I transformed and flew towards the exit. I had a clearer mind and I felt more calm. My time drifting about felt relaxing, almost like being in a sensory deprivation tank without the salt water.

After leaving the ghost zone, I immediately went to my house. I did a quick search around the house while invisible to see if anyone was here. I found no one. I turned human and check what time and day is was. I had been away for... 2 days!
My stomach growled, drawing my attention to the refrigerator. I didn't have much, so I just made some pasta.
There was a knock on the door, making me jump and knock over some things that had been carelessly left out of place.
"Coming!" I shout.
"(Y/n)? It's Danny, Sam, and Tucker."
"Too soon!" I freak out.
I open the door and saw the trio.
"Where have you been? Why haven't you come to school? Why have you been avoiding me?"
"I'm sorry. I just needed time to think and sort out my thoughts. I've been stressing out lately. I didn't mean to worry you."
"Are you ok now? Is there anything we could do to help?"
"I'm fine now." I smiled. "Thank you for checking up on me."
The pot in the kitchen starts to sizzle and I realize the water is boiling out of it. I run over and remove the pot from the heat.
"You can come in if you'd like. We can talk more when I've finished cooking this pasta."
The three entered and sat on the sofa. They whispered amongst themselves, only talking to me a little as to not be rude. I didn't mind. They're closer to each other than to me so it's understandable. When I was done making the pasta, I sat down on the rug in front of them.
"We wanted to ask a question." Tucker said.
"Sure, go ahead."
"Where were you these past two days?"
"I was here, mostly." I lied.
"Yeah, I went out to see my doctor. My... Therapist. I saw him just today."
"What about yesterday? I knocked and no one answered."
"I was in bed." I lied again. "I ignored the knocking because I didn't want to talk."
"Are you sure you're not lying?" Danny asked.
"Why would I lie?"
"I just want to make sure that you're really ok."
"Do you not trust me?" I asked.
"I do trust you." Danny said.
"Then why are you asking so many questions?"
"Why are you being so defensive?" Sam asked.
"You think I'm lying because I'm hiding something, don't you?"
"Danny told us about how you both first met."
I flinched.
"What does your dad want with ghost hunting scientists?"
"How should I know?! He's never here!"
"The same day you showed up is the same day that ghost girl showed up! How do you explain that?!" Sam started shouting.
"I, I don't know!!" I shouted back.
"Do you know what that ghost did the other day?! It destroyed so many buildings and so many people got hurt!"

"Please don't hurt her."
"Get her out of here. Now."

"I don't know what you're trying to accuse me of, but I want you out of my house right now!" My fists was clenched the entire time we argued. My nails dug deep into my palms, leaving nail marks. It's all I could do to keep Missy at bay.
"(Y/n), please, Sam didn't mean it."
"Yes I do! I know you're hiding something and I know it's something dangerous! You stay away from me and my friends if you know what's good for you."
"Is that a threat?" I ask.
"It's a promise." Sam replied.
I laughed. I laughed, almost hysterically. It scared Danny and Tucker, and Sam was confused.
"Oh, poor Samantha." Missy takes control of my voice. "Rich life ain't going like a dream? Parents coddle you too much or not enough. You act like you don't care about the money, but you really are spoiled, aren't you? So entitled to everything, even things you have no business in. And, since you're an only child, you never learned to share. Anyone who threatens your bubble, you see them as an enemy. No wonder no one likes you. No wonder Danny can't seem to look your way." I smirked mischievously when I saw Sam blush.
"Oops. Cat's out of the bag. If Danny hasn't noticed by now, he never will."
Sam angrily got up and left. Tucker and Danny followed after. 
I shut the door and locked it.
"At least you can eat your pasta in peace."
"Not. Helping."

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