Chapter 25: Rescue pt.2

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Your POV

We didn't get too far before we were shot down by my father. We were falling from the sky and I couldn't bring myself to transform. Letting Missy take the wheel would probably cause another catastrophe.
"Danny!" I shouted through the roaring wind, struggling to grab hold of him. I don't know what that gun did to him but it couldn't have been good.
"You don't transform we'll die!"
"What if you hurt someone?! You can't control your anger, I can feel it!"
"Would you rather let the boy die?!"
Weighing my options, I decided to transform. I love Danny too much to let him die! I carried Danny on my back and turned invisible. My father shot the gun randomly in the air, almost hitting me a few times, then started shouting. The things he said... I wish I could forget.

I found a safe place, far from my father, to land and take care of Danny. I was surprised Missy hadn't gone crazy while she was in control.
"Danny, are you ok? Please, please be ok!" I put my ear to his chest to check his heart beat. Hearing his heart beating softly brought tears to my eyes. I was relieved he was ok, but also really guilty that he was hurt.
"It's all my fault! If I had just stayed away or if—." My rant was interrupted by my ghost senses.
I look around while protecting Danny with my body.
"Who's there?!" Missy made me scream. "Leave us alone!"
Out of the thicket of the trees came a woman. She was a ghost. She had long hair that she tied back, she was very muscular and held a few weapons on her body. She seemed like a skilled huntress.
"Children?" She questioned. Scared and angry, I try to blast her away but I missed completely. I was starting to think that maybe I would lose Danny and that I couldn't control Missy anymore.
"He's injured? Show me."
I held Danny closer, afraid she would only hurt him more.
"Don't worry. I won't hurt him." She assured me. She kept a calm tone while she slowly came closer, getting down to my eye level. "You're both half ghost, aren't you?"
I nod shakily. When she was close enough, she put her hand on Danny to look at his injury.
"I'm grabbing a salve to help with any pain he's in." She said as she reached into her small pouch. As she rubbed it in, Danny felt more relaxed in my arms and then I relaxed a bit more.
I laid him down gently so he'd be able to rest better.
"Thank you." I say.
"No need for thanks, though it is appreciated. What is it that hurt him?"
"My father." I tensed again, "He has a weapon that could injure ghosts. It was made by his parents." I explain as I look at Danny. I move some hair from his face, and making sure he isn't in too much pain. Whatever this ghost gave him seemed to be working.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"Just a huntress."
"Why did you help him?"
"You're both children. How could I not help? Besides, I knew how dangerous you'd be if you lost your mate. I see it all the time"
"Mate? Oh, no, he isn't my—."
"The way you protected him, the look on your face when I approached, watching my every move with caution. I see it all the time in animals. You care for him deeply."
I blush and stood silent. It's not like that, I wanted to say, he saved my life and I was trying to save his.
The huntress stood up. I look up at her in confusion. Was she going to leave? Did she hear something?
"Danny! (Y/n)!!" I hear in the distance. The voice sounded familiar.
"Tucker!" I shouted happily. "Tucker!! We're over here!!" I shout back.
"You know them?" The huntress asks.
"Yes, they're his friends."
"Then I shall lead them to you."
"Thank you."
The huntress leaves in the direction of Tucker's voice, leaving me and Danny alone in silence. I reassured Danny that we'd be alright. I hoped he could hear me.

After a few minutes, Tucker and Sam emerged from the trees, the ghost huntress following close behind.
"Danny!" They booth shout and come to his side.
"He's alright." I assure them.
"Your friend should be waking soon. For now he needs rest." The huntress added.
"What happened to my father?"
"Last we saw, he was going ballistic trying to find you. I don't think it's safe for you to go back." Sam said.
I sighed. I didn't know how to react nor did I have the energy to.
"You both should get home, and get Danny home too." I said.
"No..." We all heard Danny say weakly. "I'm staying with you."
"You have to get to a doctor." Tucker said.
"If your dad is looking for you, then you need someone to protect you."
"You're hurt!"
"I'm fine." He groaned as he tries to get up. Seeing him in pain, no matter how little he says it is, made me feel so guilty. And, as much as I wanted Danny to stay, I had to force myself to let him go.
"You're going with Sam and Tucker." I said sternly, but my voice broke.
"If your dad finds you, you'll be in danger."
"Tucker took care of the tracking device, I'll be fine."
"That's right!" Tucker said. "So just come home with us."
"I'm not leaving (y/n) alone! Besides, Missy must be a handful right now, right?"
He wasn't wrong. The only reason why I hadn't lost control was because Danny was ok. If my father found me, just looking at him will probably set Missy off. And, I was so tired but falling asleep wasn't an option if I was alone.
"Fine." I said.
"Are you serious?" Sam exclaimed.
"We can't change his mind, and he's right. I'm barely keeping Missy at bay. If I were to pass out or see my father, she'd probably go on a rampage."
"Sam, I'll be ok." Danny said to her. It made me feel weird the way he said it.
"Fine." She gave in.

Sam and Tucker left in the RV they "borrowed" from the Fenton's. The ghost huntress went to get us some meat and water that would last for two days, but after that, she couldn't stay. It was just the two of us now.
"I'll take first watch." I said.
"(Y/n), you're exhausted. Get some rest."
"You're hurt, you should get some rest." I argued.
"You won't lose control if you just rest your eyes."
I laid down, my back turned to Danny keeping some space between us. I closed my eyes to just let them rest but I eventually fell asleep.

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