Chapter 5: Ghost Hunting

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Your P.O.V

     I ran into a dressing room and transformed. I phased through the walls and turned invisible to search for the ghost without causing attention to me. I didn't know where to start looking, bit luckily, I didn't have to. When I was visible again, that's when the ghost hurdled towards me knocking me out from the sky. The bulky ghost grinned at how weak I had become. He grabbed me by the wrist and lifted me up to meet his gaze.
"I was going to capture the ghost boy, but you seem more promising." He said.
"Let go of me!" I shouted. I pushed against his chest with my feet with enough force to free myself.
"You're strong, I'll give you that. Maybe you'll put up more of a fight."
"Heck yeah, I will! No one touches me and gets away with it." I zoom towards him and shoot an energy ball at him. It's strong enough to send him flying, hitting wall after wall after wall until he ends up outside.
     When I get there, he seemed dazed... And angry. A small canon pops up from his arm. He aims it at me and fires. I turn intangible and it all passes through me. The energy balls that pass through me, hit cars that were parked behind me. Some people were too close to the explosion.
"Hey! We don't want civilians injured!"
"I'm sure their fine. This guy needs a lesson on respecting women."
     Before, I could get in another hit, an energy ball came from the left, knocking down the bulky ghost. I look and see it's Danny Phantom.
"Hello again." He says.

"Why is he helping me?"

"Don't worry, you can let me take care of this. Go see if everyone is alright." Danny instructed.
I scoffed, "Um, excuse me, but no one tells me what to do."
"Fine, you fight Skulker. I'll make sure everyone is alright." Danny groaned. Before he had left, he had tossed me a thermos. I glared at him confused.
"Use that to capture him." He finally explained. I nod slightly. I went to where "Skulker" had landed, but didn't see him anywhere.

"Dang it! Thanks to that kid, he got away!"
"He was trying to help."
"Why are you defending him?"
"I'm not! I just--"
"Whatever. I don't even care."
     I fly over to Danny and tell him that Skulker had gotten away and gave him back the thermos. Before I left, he stopped me. I groaned, not wanting to talk to him but still stayed.
"Who are you?" He asked.

"What do I tell him?"
"Tell him your name, duh!"
"We have the same name, nitwit!"
"Then make one up for yourself! I don't know! I'm not good with names!"

"Doesn't matter who I am. For all you know, I'm nobody."
"Really, who are you? At least tell me your name."
"Look, kid, just stay out of my way and we'll get along just fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a ghost to find." As I fly away, I could hear Danny calling out to me. He was unable to keep up, which was good for me.

Danny's P.O.V

     I don't know who she is or if I could trust her, but I know one thing. She's fast! I couldn't catch up and how strong she seemed when I first saw her reminded me of Vlad Masters. With that in mind, the thought of her working for Vlad seemed to make a little sense.
     I gave up trying to keep up with her. I went back to the parking lot and found Sam and Tucker waiting for me by the entrance of the mall.
"Who was that?" Tucker asked.
"I don't know. But something tells me that we shouldn't trust her."
"Did you manage to capture Skulker?" Sam asked.
"No, he got away." I say a bit annoyed. I transform to my human self and leave with Sam and Tucker by my side. We come up with theories about the ghost girl as we walk back to my place.

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