Chapter 27: Vlad

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Danny's POV

The louder Vlad's footsteps get, the more I start to panic. If we don't get out of here, he'll take away our powers! Without my powers I don't see how we can escape.
"Danny," (y/n)'s voice comes out a whisper as tears ran down her face, "Missy won't wake up."
"Don't worry, Missy is going to be ok." The truth was I wasn't sure whether Missy would really be ok or not. I didn't have a plan. I couldn't do anything without my power!
"I brought another child with the same problem as my daughter, I hope that's ok." (Y/n)'s dad said.
"Daniel?" Vlad started laughing, "Oh this is too perfect! Taking away the power of my enemy!"
"Don't think you'll win, Vlad!"
"Funny you say that, Daniel, because you're powerless and in a cage. You're nothing without your power! Just a minor inconvenience."
He was right. As much as I hated it and as angry as I was about it, Vlad was right.

As (y/n)'s dad and Vlad talked, I tried to come up with a plan to get us out of there. I looked around the room but there wasn't much I could use. I was constantly checking to see if my powers returned, but it hadn't.
"Danny, what are we going to do?" (Y/n) asked. I could tell just how terrified she was from looking at her.
"I'll think of something. I just need some time."
"I can help with that." Her voice told me she was still scared but her body language showed me she was trying to be brave.
"Dad! Please let me out! I can't be in here! You know I hate small crowded places!" She started begging and crying to her dad.
"Now, now, (y/n), bare with it for a while longer. This'll only take a moment."
"I won't run. You know I won't. Just let me out."
Her dad thought for a minute then looked over at Vlad. Vlad didn't seem to care what he did. I'm sure he was confident that we couldn't escape even if we tried.
"Fine. But please behave yourself." He opened the cage enough for (y/n) to pass through and closed it quickly after she got out.
(Y/n) sat close to the cage to talk with me. I noticed a small case on the table behind Vlad.
"I think that might be what they're gonna use to take our powers away." I whisper. "If we can stall them until our powers come back, we can get out of here!"
(Y/n) nodded and did her best to get close enough without looking suspicious. Right before she grabbed it the room started shaking and in the distance there was honking that grew louder each second.
"What's happening?!" (Y/n)'s dad shouted. Vlad looked at me as if this was my doing.
"Don't look at me! I'm in a cage!"
He turned to (y/n) who was trying to keep herself steady on the table.

The wall busted open and when the dust cleared, a big RV had rammed through followed by huge deer and huge birds that all seemed angry! In the chaos, two people came out the RV. It was Sam and Tucker! They both broke the lock on my cage and let me out.
"How did you guys get here?!" I asked.
"No time! We have to leave!" Tucker shouted as he pulled me towards the RV. "Where's (y/n)?"
I pointed in her direction but didn't see her. I looked around and saw her run further into the building, Vlad chasing after her.
"We have to help!" I chased after them. Sam and Tucker followed. I tried to transform but I still couldn't.

"Let me go!" I heard (y/n) shouting. "Missy! Wake up!!!"
I ran faster hoping that Vlad hadn't got the small case (y/n) had stole.
"Danny wait!" Sam held me back before we reached the room. She handed me a sphere with a button on it.
"Uh, thanks?"
"It's a suit your parents were working on. Click the button."
I clicked it. The sphere opened up and a anti-ghost suit came out and attached itself to me.
"Woah!" I admired it.
"You didn't think we came unprepared, did you?" Sam asked crossing her arms with a smile.
"It's still early in development so it's not as strong as it could be, especially against Vlad." Tucker explains. "I used my PDA to give it a little extra power but still be careful and be quick."
I nodded.
I ran into the room and saw Vlad in his ghost form holding (y/n) by the wrist, two inches off the ground.
"Let her go, Vlad!" I shouted.
"Or what? You've got no powers!" He dropped (y/n) and came closer to me.
I wasn't sure what this suit would do if a ghost came too close or even attacked but I was about to find out. The suit made a small beep and a female robotic voice spoke saying, "Ghost detected. Activating Fenton Ghost Mode."

The suit bulked up and seemed to move on its own! The suit speedily threw a punch which threw Vlad across the room.
"(Y/n)!" I heard Sam and Tucker call for her. (Y/n) crawled towards them as fast as she could.
"Get her out of here! I'll buy you guys some time!" I shouted.
"The suit might not last that long!" Tucker warned.
"It's ok! Just go!"
"No!" (Y/n) shouted. "I can't leave you!"
"Tucker, take her away!"
Tucker pulled (y/n) until they were both out of sight.

As I fought Vlad, the suit seemed to weaken by the minute. The female robotic voice told me, "Warning: Low power levels."
I tried to phase out of the suit with my ghost powers but it was still gone.
The suit became very slow and Vlad was able to destroy it easily.
"What will you do now, Daniel?" Vlad mocked. I managed to work my way out of the suit and make a run for it. Of course, I didn't get far because Vlad was faster.
There was a sudden shock in my whole body and, somehow, I knew.
"I'm, uh, going ghost?" My body responded and I was able to transform and turn invisible to sneak passed him.
I was out of the building and saw that the local police had come and arrested (y/n)'s father. They looked like they were still searching for someone else, hopefully Vlad.
I found Sam, Tucker, and (y/n) sitting on the grass washed in blankets, talking to police. I hid behind a car before I transformed back then ran to them.
(Y/n) noticed me first and came running to meet me, happily shouting, "Danny! You're alright!" She threw herself on me and hugged me tight. I almost fell back but caught myself.
"What going on?" I asked. Sam and Tucker were now here too.
"An anonymous tip to the police about two guys kidnapping children." Sam smiled.
"But..." I looked at (y/n), "if your dad is going to jail, what will happen to you?"
She ignored my question.
"How did you guys even find us?" She asked Sam and Tucker.
"The ghost huntress saw what had happened and tracked us down before we got home. She offered some of her help."
"The deer and birds." I say putting the pieces together.
"I found all those ghost weapons in the RV while Sam drove. You should probably never let her drive in the future, she is a maniac!"
"I'd like to see you do better!" Sam jokingly shouted back. As they joked (y/n) told me... Missy was gone. I looked at her in disbelief but she just laughed at Sam and Tucker's antics.

After a long evening talking to police, they took us back to Amity Park and dropped each of us off at our house. At each stop, (y/n) gave us all a long goodbye.
"Sam, I'm so sorry for all the things I've said and done. I really wish we could start over and be friends."
"I'm sorry too." Sam apologized.
"Take care of Danny, ok? With me out of the picture, I'm sure you'll be able to get his attention."
"Huh? 'Out of the picture'? What do you mean?"
(Y/n) ignored the question, hugged Sam and went back into the police car.

It was Tucker's turn.
"Stay awesome, Foley! Make sure Sam and Danny actually end up together and happy."
"You got it!"
"Also," she gave him a kiss on the cheek, "thanks for saving us. I wish we had more time together."
Tucker couldn't respond properly, he kept stumbling over his words. (Y/n) giggled and came back to the car.

Lastly, my turn.
"Danny—" she started.
"It's ok," I interrupted, "I don't need a long goodbye. We're gonna see each other tomorrow anyway."
She looked sad.
"Right?" I asked.
"I have no parent or official guardian... so, they're taking me to a foster home." She tried to hide it, but I heard her voice crack and a tear run down her cheek.
"I won't be seeing you for a really long time."
"If that's the case, you can stay at my place, like you've been doing!" I realized I sounded desperate but I didn't care. I just wanted her to stay.
"I'm sure that that's not how it works, Danny."
"But you can't go! What about school?! What about—?!"
She kissed me.
"I like you, Danny. And, if I had a choice, I would stay but I don't. I'll miss you. My first friend, my first crush, and my first kiss." She smiled, tears still running down her cheeks.
She gave me one last hug and then went into the police car.
I stared as it drove away. I stared until they were out of sight.

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