The Bully's Crush Pt. 2 | Logince

Start from the beginning

Roman gulped and plastered on a smirk, although it was obviously less genuine than before. He pulled away and sat back in his spot. Logan stumbled to his feet, muttering a quick apology, leaving the basement and the party.


Logan fumbled with his backpack, putting the books he needed into his backpack. The party that had occurred at the start of the weekend gave Logan a lot to think about. Did this complicate his feelings for Roman? Over the past few months, Roman was still annoying as ever but he had become more tolerable, becoming more like a friend than a bully. Despite what happened at the party, Logan didn't see Roman any differently. If anything, he just felt what he'd always felt around him but more intensely.

Were these feelings always there? Logan wasn't sure. He'd realized a while ago that he did find Roman very attractive and his personality become more lovable as time went on. When Roman mentioned that he wasn't friends with his usual posse because of their rude comments towards Logan, his heart figuratively warmed at that.

So yes, these feelings had been there well before the party. But did Roman feel the same? Logan, again, wasn't sure. Roman seemed to become softer around Logan in the past few months. They'd hung out many times either at the mall or Roman's house, Roman always claiming that Logan needed more clothes or when, in reality, he really didn't. Logan had to admit, however, that he always preferred going to Roman's house because Roman would always pull out a new shirt that he claimed he wasn't using anymore. Logan adored wearing the clothes Roman gave him over the ones he buys because Roman's clothes smelled just like him, the materials were always perfect, they always fit so well, and the designs were always so beautiful.

He also noticed that every time Roman saw him wearing on of his clothes, a small smile would grace his face for a few seconds. And every time, that smile entranced Logan. Maybe Roman did feel the same, but Logan knew better than to get his hopes up. He had to remind himself that not too long ago, Roman was still a huge jerk, still a bully.

"Hey, Robot. Long time, no see." Roman was a jerk, a bully, but never nearly as bad as his ex-best friend, Jake. Logan didn't turn around, hoping to stand his ground. "I don't care if you're a boy, girl, or some kind of genderless freak, when I'm talking to you, you listen." Jake growled, roughly turning Logan around and shoving his back into the lockers, holding him there.

Logan glared at him but there was still a hint of fear in his eyes that amused Jake. "No matter what you say, what you wear, how many bullshit lies you tell Roman, you will never be anything more than the nerdy girl that you always have been. The freak, the loser." Jake's words were laced with venom, Logan tried his best to ignore him. He knew he was wrong, he knew it was just Jake's desperate way of letting Logan know how insecure he was. That didn't stop it from stinging, though.

"What the hell is going on here?" A grin spread across Jake's face as he turned to Roman, who seemed very upset with the situation. "Glad you could make it, Roman." Roman rolled his eyes. "What do you want, Jake?"

"I just wanted to give you one last chance." "For what?" "To quit it with this freak. Don't think we haven't noticed you've been hanging around her." Logan watched the two argue, Roman getting increasingly angrier while Jake stayed confident and cool, casually spewing out slurs directed at Logan, not that Logan was really listening anyways.

Jake finally let go of Logan, two crowds formed behind Jake and Roman respectively. Logan didn't dare move from his spot against the lockers, barely acknowledging Patton coming up beside him. "If that's how it's gonna be, I'm going to have to kick your ass too." "Fine by me, asshole." Roman said lowly. Logan quickly tugged on Roman's arm with wide eyes. "Roman, seriously, it's okay. You don't-"

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