Relax | Implied Logicality

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summary: logan is a temperamental student that often finds themself getting into fights with others. their best (and only) friend, patton, has to help them through their anger and makes them feel better

word count: 685

logan uses they/them pronouns here; basically, logan says "grr, i'm tough," then when patton talks to them privately, they're like "sad :,)" also, my wattpad keeps messing up, idk if it's just me and everything looks normal for y'all, but the parts always go out of order or edits i made won't show up, this is such a pain T-T

tw/cw// angry/sad/insecure logan (haha suffer lo :D), implied transphobia/homophobia, crying, that should be it :))


Practically everyone that had ever met Logan knew they had an attitude. They frequently started arguments with others and rarely seemed to be in a good mood. Their best friend Patton, though, knew this was all just a front.

Patton had known the grumpy teen since they were about nine years old. Patton made the mistake of bothering Logan while they were doing their homework, soon discovering why most of his classmates warned him not to interact with the student. Patton never regretted it, though. Logan practically chewed his ear off on that first day, but after Patton bothered them every day, they adjusted to the rather annoying boy.

It wasn't long before Patton noticed that Logan was a very sensitive person deep down. Patton concluded that Logan subconsciously defaulted to a moody front so they wouldn't accidentally let people too close and be betrayed. That was just a wild guess on Patton's part, though. Either way, it seemed every day after becoming friends with Logan, Patton was either talking the student's ear off or keeping them from getting in fights with other students.

Currently, the two had to do a group project with one other person, that person being Chase. Patton dreaded working with Chase, knowing he was a huge jerk (that was also very transphobic and homophobic), and Logan likely wouldn't stand for it, as they shouldn't.

Logan was arguing with Chase, just as Patton suspected they would. Patton usually wouldn't stop them, but he noticed the teacher eyeing the group suspiciously. "Logan, calm down. The teacher is watching you guys." Logan glared at Chase but quieted down, staring down at their paper.

Patton glanced down at Logan's hand under the desk, noticing how badly they were shaking. "Code?" He whispered to his best friend. "Red." Patton nodded and raised his hand. "Can we be excused?" The teacher rolled his eyes. "It's 'may we.' Go ahead."

Patton gently guided Logan to the restrooms, the logical student breaking down the moment their friend locked the stall door. Patton sat down beside Logan and slowly wrapped his arms around them, careful not to worsen their state. Logan buried their face into Patton's chest, not caring about the wet stains that would form there.

"D'you wanna talk about it, bug?" Logan gripped Patton's shirt tighter. "I-I wish I were normal. Th-This would be so much easier if I were more like y-you, if I were c-cis and emotional-" Patton frowned and shook his head, cutting Logan off. "Logan, you shouldn't have to be someone else to feel good about yourself. I love you the way you are, and your parents love you; you don't need to change. People like Chase are probably always going to exist, but you can't let them get to you. They don't understand, but all that matters is that you exist, you're real, and you're perfect."

"But it doesn't even really make sense. There should only be two-" Patton shook his head and cut them off once more. "No, don't say that. Now you're just repeating everything those ignorant people have told you. You know logically and scientifically, that isn't true." 

Logan nodded, but Patton knew the issue still wasn't entirely resolved. "Do you want to go home after school? You don't have to come over, you know." Logan shook their head. "My parents misgender me all the time, and I never have it in me to correct them." Patton nodded. "Okay, we'll spend the day at my house then?"

Logan weakly nodded. 


Patton led Logan to his bedroom, shutting the curtains and making the room as dark as possible the moment Logan entered the room. "Um, Patton. What are you doing?" Patton grinned, despite Logan not being able to see him in the dark room. The bubbly boy turned on his galaxy star projector, watching the room light up.

Logan gasped in amazement, entranced by the lights surrounding them. Patton stared down at Logan, blushing at the adorable look on their face. "This...This is stunning, Patton." Patton nodded with a smile, still staring at his best friend. "Yeah, it is."


this was basically just an excuse to project onto logan /and/ put in the sunshine/darkness relationship dynamic :D also, couldn't get my hair half and half, but i still got a nice red color, and i feel much better (idk why, but sijdkjf) anywho, love you all, stay safe, buh bye!!


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