Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

~Brooklynn's POV~

I paced back in and forth in the living room, Max was not home yet and we need to have a chat. I was pissed off, not only did that bitch fight me but she up and disappeared. We needed to find her and fast, otherwise the contract would be broken and we will be forced back into the slums. I will not go back there! I was meant to at the top! Max walked through the door and I turned to look at him, he paused and stared back.

"What?" Max said.

I huffed and crossed my arms, "Where were you?"

Max rolled his eyes and walked past me and into the kitchen, causing me to follow, "Out."

"Yeah okay? Well while you were out there did you find her? Did you even try? Max do you not grasp the seriousness of the situation?" I shouted using my hands to emphasize my point.

"Yes I do! Look we are working on it okay? I had them search her apartment and his house, they found nothing yet. I am working on it though so calm the fuck down," He snapped back looking at me with annoyance.

"How can I? We could lose our place, our home, our whole way of fucking living," I shouted back.

"I know Brooklynn! I fucking know! Look why don't you make yourself useful and try to get her to meet up with you? Say you want to apologize and that you will let it go! Maybe she'll believe you!" Max said.

I stood there and thought about it, it could work although I doubt it. If she realizes the power she holds, she will take away all that we have...I need to get her back on our side! I turned to look out the window, there was no way she would fall for it, especially with the way things had went, we needed something better.

"Maybe if we told her the truth?" I whispered.

"What do you mean?" Max asked looking at me with suspicion.

"Harry killed our parents Max, if we tell her that she'll leave him?" I said still thinking about the details, "We could tell her how it went down and that is why I was pushing so hard for her to not be with him."

"You think that could work? I mean she has to know by now what he does if only a little bit..."

"Look it's the best we got right now and I don't know about you but I'm willing to fucking try!" I said going to pick up my phone. I sent her a text and now all we had to do was wait.

"I looked into the files of the others and if we can't get her back then we'll have to use plan B," Max said with a suspicious look.

"What do you mean?" I asked going to lean against the counter.

"Well if she choices to stay it will work out either way, we can use her as a hostage. Harry will do anything for her, so why not use the options we are left with?" Max said clicking his tongue.

"So, negotiate?" I said confused, "How can we do that if we can't even find her now?"

Max looked at me like I was stupid, "Because Brooklynn when you guys meet up, you'll be wired so if it turns out its not working out then me and a few guys will go in and take her before she has the chance to leave."

I looked at him in shock...he is smart...holy shit. That's actually not bad once we have her, we can negotiate with Harry so that we can get our spot at the top permanently...we won't even need Michael anymore. I nodded with a smirk, with a little more planning it would all be set.

I walked out of the kitchen and over to my room, this had to work because this was all we had right now. Although at this point, I feel like we need to plan for worst, even with that plan there was a lot of risk. Our options are to limited and the ones we have are not very good, any unseen factor can throw off this plan. But if you give up now then you'll lose everything you got! This was all his fault, just had to go and cheat! Although Lily is a prude and people have needs...she should have fucked him more.

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