Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"I think we may have found something," Johnathan stated looking over the paperwork I had handed him.

"And?" I asked my voice low and raspy.

"And if what is stated here is true...then we definitely have a problem," He responded, looking over the paper towards me.

I sat back in my desk chair bringing my hand up to rub my chin. I smirked to myself, he was right we did have a problem. I stood up and walked over to the window in my office and looked out over the city. If they planned to do something then they would be acting soon that was for sure, so we needed to act quicker.

"So, what do we do sir?" Johnathan asked his voice low.

"We have to figure out what they plan to do, otherwise there is nothing we can do," I said simply, because as long as we are unaware of their intentions then there was no way to plan against them. Although going in and just killing them seemed fair enough...

"So, we sit here and what? Wait for them to do something?" Johnathan asked in shock.

Without a second thought I pulled out my gun and turned pressing it to his temple, Johnathan tensed as my finger itched to pull the trigger, "How about instead of asking me questions, you do your fucking job and figure out what they're up too."

"You're right sir, sorry that was out of line," He replied his voice shaking and his eyes squeezed shut.

I pulled my gun from his head and I walked back to my desk taking a seat, I was in a shitty mood and his attitude was going to cause me to snap. I waved him away and he quickly left my office muttering a quiet 'yes sir'. I honestly don't understand why Zayn thought it necessary to have him around and if it wasn't for the fact I was being watched; I would have killed him. I shuffled through some paperwork, my mind drifting. My business was doing great although the others keep causing trouble. With the high demand of safe homes and streets, people are buying more home security and it's causing my business to boom. Although this was great for business it was causing me personal problems and that was a no. I sighed and set the paperwork down, turning in my chair to watch the rain pour outside.

I had to go easy on them...I had let too much slid...because truth be told at the time, I was heavily watched so anything I did could cause the end of my life. I knew I needed to get to them before they got to me but the question was how, with me still being under surveillance I would be risking the safety of myself and the others. My phone rang snapping me out of my daze, I turned back to my desk and picked up the phone.

"Styles," I answered in a professional tone.

"I did what you asked," A deep Bradford accent said over the phone.

"And?" I responded, hopefully we actually got something.

"It's all the same, they want you dead," Zayn said calmly, "There isn't much of anything, so that means the plan isn't known to the others."

"So, what? Are they plotting against the others as well or?" I asked confused, if anyone could get information it would be Zayn.

"There is no trace of anything on this I couldn't actually tell you that answer. The only idea Tate and I could come up with is they may try to set you up against The Order," Zayn said his voice raspy.

"There has to be more to it than just that," I responded, they had already tried that and it didn't work.

"Well I did talk to Johnny and from what he gathered the board is going into code zero, therefore laws are about to be strict and if any of us do anything out of line the death penalty will be enforced," Zayn said, a sudden clanking noise heard on his end.

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