Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

~Zayn's POV~

The drive back to Lily's apartment was a long and quiet one. When I went to ask Harry why we were even going there, he ignored me. Its been five days since then and I was still unsure on why we were here, but I knew I wouldn't get an answer from either of them. Lily mainly stayed to herself and I was forced to stay in her small living room in silence. I was sitting on the couch watching tv, my head pounding from a sudden headache. I was bored and felt cramped and felt like I needed to move or do something, besides just sit here and stare at the tv. My phone rang causing me to groan and reach over to answer it.

"Yeah?" I said monotoned.

"Need you to go pick up a package around four, keep it with you until you come back," Harry said and then hung up.

I let out a sigh of irritation, he has been in a shit mood since that day and quite frankly I was sick of it. If he was going to be a bitch about it, he shouldn't have let her leave. I looked at the time and it was only nine in the morning, I stood up and walked over to my bag. I grabbed some black sweats, a black t-shirt, socks, and some boxers. I walked down the hall to the bathroom and shut the door behind me, I turned on the shower and stripped. I stepped in and sighed when the water hit my skin, my headache easing. I stood under the water for a while before I grabbed my body wash and began to wash off.

When I finished, I dried off and slipped on my boxers, sweats, and socks. I walked out still slipping on my shirt, when I came face to face with Lily. I pulled my shirt down and just looked at her, she looked away and continued to walk down the hall. I turned off the light and followed going to my bag to grab a cigarette. I pulled out my lighter and lit it, letting a stream of smoke leave my lips.

"I have to leave at four today to go grab something," I stated going over to the window and opening it.

"Okay," she said quietly grabbing something to eat from the fridge.

I sighed and turned to look out the window, I don't know how long this will go on but I hope it ends soon. I continued my smoke while whistling to myself, suddenly my mouth was covered by a hand. I turned to look at Lily.

"Don't do that, hum if you must but don't whistle...its to loud," She said rubbing her temples.

I moved her hand from my mouth with my free hand and nodded, she looked sick and very tired. She pulled away and walked back to the kitchen. I stood there in shock, that was the first time since we got here that she spoke a whole sentence. I threw my cigarette out the window and then closed it, turning my attention back to Lily.

"I won't be gone for long so there won't be anyone here with you, but make sure you lock the door when I leave and no leaving yourself," I said going to sit on the couch.

"Okay," she replied.

I picked up the remote and flipped through the channels, trying to find something to watch. I settled on a Marvel movie and sat back. Lily came to join me and for the next few hours we sat like this until I left.

~Lily's POV~

I sat on the couch still watching movies, although with Zayn gone my mind couldn't focus and I kept thinking about Harry. I wanted to ask Zayn so many questions about the relationship between Harry and Max, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I guess because a part of me didn't want to know if I was just a toy to Harry or if Harry really did want me there...even if he sucks at expressing himself. When I dated Max, he was into expressing himself, was even emotional from time to time; that's why I knew when he told me he was cheating it wasn't a joke, he was cold and distant. With Harry, he's always cold and distant. He was hard to read and I could never tell what would piss him off, which also means I won't be able to tell if he's not into me anymore. It will be like walking around blind.

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