Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

~Lily's POV~

*Two Days Later*

The boys had been busy with trying keeping an eye out for Max, we were all on edge because they had yet to make a move against us. Harry was sure they would have moved in a by now but they hadn't, the men on the mainland haven't caught any trouble either. I walked my bedroom picking up the few items that were laid about, I needed to do something...anything to get my mind off of what was going on.

"Fuck you! It's your fault we're in this mess!" Zayn shouted after a thud could be heard.

I furrowed my brows and stopped what I was doing, Dax stood up from his spot on the ground. I continued to listen to what was going on.

"My fault? How the fuck was I supposed to know this would happen? I've tried time and time again to avoid this shit but I couldn't!" Harry shouted back.

"I told you not to move it there!" Zayn snapped.

At that I left the room with Dax following after me, I headed toward where the shouting was coming from. I walked into the living room where Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Niall stood. Harry and Zayn ignoring the fact that I walked in, they continued to yell at each other.

"Where else was I supposed to move it?" Harry shouted.

"To the sink! I told you to put it in the sink! Now look the table is burned!" Zayn shouted pointing at it.

Liam and Niall chuckled and I just raised a brow, what the fuck where they fighting about. I walked closer to find what looked like a metal block. As I moved closer I realized there was smoke coming from it and I furrowed my brows.

"What did you do to my table?" I asked and Zayn and Harry turned to look at me.

Zayn spoke first, "I did nothing, I told him not to put it there!"

"Oh you fucking rat!" Harry shouted and Zayn looked at him in anger.

"I refuse to be attacked by a pregnant woman because you don't listen!" Zayn snapped.

I rolled my eyes and went to move the metal block, the boys yelled at me and I jumped back.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You can't touch that! It's hot Lily!" Liam shouted.

I sighed, "What is it?"

"It is a pan we were using to burn some papers and well it kind of got to big...he went to pick it up but it was hot and he dropped it...we put the fire out though," Niall explained and I raised a brow.

I burst into laughter and they looked at me like I lost my mind, the four of them...four whole grown adults couldn't control a small fire in a pan...and then they freaked out like kids and instead of grabbing water or using the drink that was sitting on the table they just panicked. I continued to laugh at this point my ribs were hurting and I had tears running down my cheeks.

"How is this funny?" Harry questioned and I put up a finger.

I managed to control myself and then spoke, " had a drink right...right there! You could have put it out!"

I fell into another fit of laughter as a suddenly look of realization crossed Zayn's face and Harry smacked his forehead. I shook my head and sighed.

"How did we miss that?" Harry mumbled.

"We are idiots," Zayn said.

"Uh, Niall and I are not a part of that statement," Liam stated and I chuckled.

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