Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

~Zayn's POV~

I let out a grunt and tilted my head back, I was in serious pain. My fucking body hurt and my chest felt like someone ripped it off, I leaned forward against the desk and sighed. When the pain subsided a bit I stood up and went back to the task at hand. I was in the middle of trying to find Harry, for the last five hours we had been searching everywhere. Liam had told me that there was another building different from the warehouse we were in. He wasn't sure if it was an estate or another warehouse but it was worth a look.

After telling my men coordinates of other locations, I finally decide I would have them check there. Something was telling me I should have looked there first but from the live photo of the building, I could basically see in there and I didn't see anything. I pressed my earpiece so I could speak into it, another wave of pain hitting.

"Check the second building, be careful and don't touch anything!" I seethed gripping my chest.

"Roger..." Joseph's voice came over the earpiece.

I moved my hand from my ear and looked down at the ground, I was in serious pain and those meds were not helping. I have been trying really hard not to show my pain especially not around the worry ward downstairs but it's hard not to. Lily has been back and forth from my room to downstairs, she was trying to keep her eyes on myself and my son. She's been keeping him out of the room in fear that he will accidently cause me pain. I got that she was worried but I am not as weak as she thinks I am...then again you were shot and are now in serious pain so be grateful she is looking out for you Zayn. I huffed and turned to my other monitors, fixing my shirt.

I was finally able to take a real shower, it was a struggle but I managed it alone...well Lily sat in my bedroom and every time she heard a noise she would yell out to make sure I was okay. And when I dropped my lotion bottle causing a loud thud she burst threw the door like a mad woman just to make sure I was okay. It's a good thing you had clothes on because otherwise you both would be back to that weird phase...I shook my head at the thought. Although now that I look down at my clothes I feel like I'm going to a funeral, I was dressed in black joggers, a black shirt , and black socks. I figured this was the better option rather than risk staining my light colored clothes with blood.

"We found's bad Zayn...we'll bring him in," Nathan's voice came through the earpiece, it was trembling.

"Okay..." I whispered taking the earpiece out.

I texted Lou that she needed to get here and then I headed out of the room to go downstairs. I walked into find Lily standing by the tv, when she heard movement behind her she turned around and then looked at me in horror. She moved over to me and I knew she was going to yell at me but this was important.

"Zayn are you fucking mad? You can't be up and about, you can seriously hurt yourself!" She said beginning to lecture me, "Zayn this is serious, you have...."

"We found him," I said cutting her off and her arms dropped to her side.

She sucked in a breath and looked at me, she wrapped her arms around herself, " he my Harry okay?"

Ever since I woke up I realized when she said his name that she had to clarify that he was hers, it was like this was her way of keeping a piece of him while he wasn't here. Which is why this was hard because I didn't know if he would be okay...I honestly didn't know anything about his condition.

"I don't know love, they said it was bad but I don't know if he's...gone," I whispered as I watched her body shake.

Whatever light that was left in her eyes died out and I watched as tears streamed down her face, I felt helpless.

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