Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

~Lily's POV~

It was now eight o'clock at night and Sophia walked into the living room, I had told her she could put Jasper to sleep upstairs in mine and Harry's bedroom. She came and sat on the couch with a sigh, I looked at her with a small smile.

"That child is so sweet during the day, but the moment bedtime happens..." She said shaking her head, "He becomes the spawn of Satan I swear!"

I laughed, "Really? I don't see it."

"Oh yeah, it's his father's gene. Liam's mom told me about how well-behaved Liam was growing up, but bedtime was where she struggled. She said he would jump out of bed and run around the house, she had to bribe him with money!" She laughed, "I refuse to bribe Jasper with money, he's already spoiled being an only child."

"Well we know the source, now we just got to figure out how to get him to listen," I said with a chuckle.

She nodded with a laugh, It went silent for a while and then Sophia spoke up.

" know how the guys talk...Liam mentioned that your really smart and that your good at probability..." Sophia said, her voice shaking, "What...what do you think happened?"

I looked up at her with furrowed brows...I wouldn't say I was all that smart and I didn't want to lie to her by saying what I think she wants to hear...I couldn't.

"Um, I think..."I started but stopped to clear my throat, "I think that whatever happened, they are really hurt...if not dead. That crashing wasn't an explosion; it couldn't have been. I also didn't see with that there are many options on what could have happened, he could have gotten away...they could have been separated or...he was the first."

I sat back wrapping my arms around myself, Sophia let out a shaky breath, "Oh..."

"Like I said there is more than one way this could have went down, I'm not sure what happened there or anything. So don't take what I said to seriously, for all we know he got away...Liam is quick. He's a fast thinker and he knows how to get out of any place," I said reassuring her.

"I...look I just wanted to confirm that I wasn't crazy for thinking that he was the only one to get out, you know? I just want...I know that our life is dangerous, I know that. But I always hoped that Liam would be the one that's spared..." Sophia let a sob escape, "Sorry...I just..."

I pulled her into me and laid my head on hers, "Of course, you want him to be okay. And he will be, this time is no different from the rest; those boys are smart and they will be okay."

I was not only trying to reassure her, but myself as well. This was horrifying, everything about it. She let out a sigh and pulled away, her eyes red. I was about to say something when the sound of the front door slamming opened stopped me. Sophia and I stood and I shielded her as we waited for who ever it was to appear. Niall came in with a few people I didn't know, they were carrying in Harry, Liam, and Zayn.

"Oh my God," Sophia and I gasped out.

"A little help please," Niall called out to us.

We scrambled around the couch to help, we carried them over to the couches and table. I stepped back and took in the sight of the boys; Liam laid on the couch closest to the window opposite of the front door and his shirt was covered in blood, along with his cast and face. He looked like he had been beaten, his chest moving up and down slowly. His face was a battered mess. I turned to Harry who laid on the couch closest to the front door, the front of his shirt wasn't covered in a lot of blood and his hair was matted to his face by it. His breathing was just as shallow as the Liam's. Harry's cheek was cut open, his arms were cut and bleeding mainly on the back. That means whatever happened caused more damage to his back. I turned to look at Zayn who laid on the table, had his shirt torn completely off. His hair was matted to his head and his face had cuts. On his torso there were a few small cuts and more towards his waist was a huge gash, his breathing was ragged and it seemed like he was struggling.

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