Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

~Vanessa's POV~

"I don't care what you said he was mine first," the blonde woman on the tv drama I was watching shouted.

"He'll never love you like he does me," the other woman yelled.

They started to fight and I picked up the remote and turned it off. I huffed out a sigh and rubbed my stomach, I was getting pretty big. Jamie was somewhere in the house while I sat in the room trying to entertain myself. We hadn't been arguing as much as before and a part of me was actually growing feelings for him. He treated me well and would even bring me home gifts from his business trips, I felt stupid for falling for him but he was so good to me.

Noel informed me on what's going on with my brother and how they planned to show up at the annual get together that was held once a month. I was a bit worried about them going because anything could happen, but then again anything could happen with or without them going. I stood up and walked over to the window, I looked out over the field. Jamie had moved us from the original place I was kidnapped and brought to. With everything going on he said we needed to move somewhere discrete, I didn't worry much about it because Noel was here and could tell Zayn my location when it was time.

Would I actually want to leave when it's time? Could I actually leave Jamie? I shook my head and leaned against the wall, I was going mad...I had to be. As if he knew I was thinking about him, Jamie walked in. He paused when he saw me by the window and raised a brow.

"I didn't know you were awake," he said coming the rest of the way in and shut the door.

I placed my hands behind me and leaned back against them, "I feel like it's weird you would want to watch me sleep."

He chuckled and I felt my heart flutter, I looked away from him and over at the bathroom door. I bit my lip trying to pull myself together.

"You okay?" Jamie asked his voice sounding close, I turned to look at him.

I sucked in a breath when I came face to face with Jamie, he watched me curiously. I cleared my throat and side stepped so I could walk around him. I went and sat on the bed, Jamie turned to see where I was going.

"I'm fine...although I could use a shower," I said picking at the strings of the duvet.

He hummed and I looked up at him, "You know you can just...take one."

"I mean normally there's rules to this," I said mentally smacking myself.

"Meaning?" He replied crossing his arms.

I shrugged, "You know like in movies and stuff typically if someone is kidnapped, there's rules on what the person can and can't do..."

Jamie laughed heading over to the bathroom, he walked in and soon I heard the water running, He walked back out and looked at me with a smile.

"Well despite what you think, you belong here with me so you don't have to ask to take a shower," he said walking over to the closet, "Go I'll get your clothes."

I nodded and stood up entering the bathroom, I stripped down and climbed in. The water felt good as it hit my skin, I let out a sigh and leaned my head back. I heard Jamie walk in and so I turned to see him setting my stuff down. I bit my lip...just let him walk out. Jamie turned to leave and I let out a sigh making a last-minute decision.

"Jamie?" I called out and he stopped turning to look at me.

"Yeah?" he asked and I fiddled with my fingers.

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