Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

~Lily POV~

*Two weeks later*

I woke up feeling like my chest was caving in and I couldn't breathe. What is that? I peal my eyes open and look at my chest to see Jawad was balled up asleep on me. I smiled and gently stroked his cheek, He started to mumble in his sleep and opened his eyes. He looked up at me and frowned, I raised a brow.

"What's wrong?" I whispered still stoking his cheek.

"I want my daddy, I don't want to be here anymore 'Ama," Jawad whimpered and I sighed.

"I know I wish he was here too and Harry," I whispered as I carded my fingers through his hair.

"I just want to leave," Jawad cried.

I wrapped my arms around him and held him close, I let out a sigh and rubbed his back. It was like for three days it would be fine and then on the fourth he would break down and then go back to being okay. I wish there was more I could do but until Zayn got here this was what I was left with, my phone started ringing, causing me to jump a little. I reached over and answered it.

"Hello," I answered still rubbing Jawad's back.

"Hey princess" Harry's rough voice rang through the phone causing my heart to flutter and a smile to pull on my lips.

"Hi Harry," I replied and Jawad reached up to cup my face.""

Harry let out a sigh and then spoke, "I was just wanting to call to say I love you."

"I love you," I said and at this Jawad sat up.

"I love you more 'Ama!" Jawad shouted causing Harry and I to laugh.

"Well I have to go, tell the little girlfriend stealer I said hi and I love him too," Harry laughed and I smiled.

"Harry says hi and that he loves you," I said to Jawad and Jawad smiled.

"Hi uncle Harry! I misses you and I love you!" Jawad exclaimed, "Bye-bye."

Harry and I laughed again and then I told Harry bye and we hung up, the call was short and simple and felt like they were getting ready to fight. Jawad got up and ran out of the room, I smiled and went to follow him with my phone in hand but when I got to the hall he had disappeared. I walked down the stairs to find him in the little window seat. He was looking up at the cloudy sky with a distant look in his eyes. I leaned against the banister and watched how every so often his chest would shutter and a few more tears would roll down his face.

"Jawad?" I whispered.

He started to sob hysterically, "Can we call daddy?"

I quickly moved over to him and wrapped him in my arms. I looked at my phone and dialed Zayn and put it on speaker phone, it only rang twice before he answered.

"Yeah?" Zayn asked.

"Daddy!" Jawad cried.

"What's wrong buddy?" Zayn asked his tone soft.

I hated doing this to them both, I felt like it made it worse but if it what Jawad wanted then I wouldn't say no. It was really the only thing he asked for and Zayn did say to call if Jawad wanted to talk so I guess I couldn't feel too bad.

"I just misses you," Jawad said slowly calming down.

Zayn let out a soft sigh, "I miss you too. But aren't you having fun with aunty?"

Jawad nodded and I chuckled softly, "He nodded Zayn."

"Oh yeah, what have you guys done?" Zayn said as a way to distract him.

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