Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

~Lily's POV~

Harry and Liam held onto Zayn who stood there breathing harshly, Louis on the other hand was only held back by Niall and his breathing was ragged. I moved to stand in front of the desk as the tension grew in the room. No one said a word as we waited to see what would happen next, Eleanor still stood there crying with her face covered and I so badly wanted to walk up to her and punch her in the face.

Suddenly the silence was broken by Zayn, "You are nothing but a bitch! The both of you! Going after a fucking child and for what? You really think anyone would follow a fucking tweaked out loser? You're nothing and you never will be!"

Zayn began to fight hard against Harry and Liam's grips causing the two to let out huffs and grunts as the tried to hold him back. He almost got free a few times but they managed to keep a hold of him, Louis let out a dry laugh.

"You think I care what you think? You're just a suicidal fuck who managed to kill his does it feel to know the mother of your own child hated you so much she went and offed herself?" Louis spat and at that Zayn managed to break free.

Zayn wrapped his hands around Louis throat, "I'll fucking kill you!"

Louis struggled to get free as Niall, Liam, and Harry all tried to break them a part. When they thought they had it, Zayn would throw a punch or an elbow to be free again. Harry stumbled back when Zayn got him in the mouth and Liam let out a grunt when Zayn elbowed his stomach; Niall being the only one to duck when Zayn would swing on him.

Eleanor went to move in but Sophia stepped in and shoved her, Eleanor turned back to look at Sophia with a glare. She went to throw a punch but Sophia dodged it and threw one of her own hitting Eleanor in the nose. Eleanor covered her face and looked at Sophia in shock.

"How dare you! Taking the side of that bitch! I will fucking kill you!" Eleanor screamed pointing at Sophia.

I had had enough of her fucking talking and I tackled her, any fuck I had to give flew out the window. We hit the ground and she let out a scream, I sat up and began to swing at her. She threw her own punches and we ended up rolling around on the floor in a storm of punches and kicks. When we finally fell apart she went to come climb on top of me and I kicked her back, sending her back into the desk. I stood up and squared my shoulders, Eleanor ran back at me and I bent down and when she hit me I use my legs to push up and send her over my shoulder. She flipped over me and hit the floor with a loud bang, I turned around ready to beat the shit out of her when I saw the study doors open again.

Jawad walked in and I saw a look of horror spread across his face, I turned to see where he was looking and I say Harry and Liam still struggling to get Zayn off Louis; Zayn was relentlessly throwing punches at Louis' face as Louis tried his best to block them. I turned back to Jawad and my eyes widened when the realization that he was running to his dad. I took of in his direction and it felt like everything was in slow motion; Jawad goes to reach for his dad and without Zayn think he went to knock him off. Before he could hit the floor completely, I slid under him and caught him turning us away from them. Everything sped up and Jawad started wheezing as I sat up and pushed us away. I held him to me and tried to get him to breath, I was panicking as I looked at him.

"I...I...sorry...''t...breathe..." Jawad wheezed out his face scrunching up.

At the sound of his voice, Zayn's head snapped in our direction. His face turned from pure anger to total despair as he saw his son in my arms. He let go of Louis and pushed Harry and Liam out of the way, he ran over to us and tears filled his eyes as he looked down at Jawad who laid in my arms trying to breath.

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