Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

~Louis' POV~

Eleanor and I had left from the cabin and headed home, the others were pissed off at me like this was all my fault that girl was knocked out. I pulled in front of the house and stopped, Eleanor started to get out but stopped when she noticed I wasn't coming with her.

"Are you not coming?" She asked giving me a confused look.

I shook my head, "No, I have something I need to do. Take Rosie and go inside."

"Louis you better not be going to get high," She snapped at me and I scoffed.

"I'm not now get out of the damn car," I spat impatient.

She rolled her eyes but got out shutting the door, she went to the back-passenger door and unbuckled Rosie's car seat. She pulled out the baby seat and slammed the door shut. I pulled off and headed to Victor. Why is everyone picking a fight with me today? I drove the fifteen minutes to Victor's house and climbed out. I walked up the shabby looking steps and knocked on the door, I looked around casually although I was checking to make sure I didn't see anyone I knew. The door swung open and I turned to come face to face with Victor.

He rolled his eyes and opened the door wider, he looked at me with a raised brow and crossed his arms leaning against the door frame. I looked at him with a grin and stuck my hands in my pockets.

"What do you want Louis?" He asked his tone giving away that he didn't want to see me.

I shrugged, "I came to talk."

"Well go talk to someone else, I'm busy," He spat stepping back inside to shut the door.

"Wait!" I said pulling my hands out of my pockets, stopping him from shutting the door.

Victor huffed out a sigh and looked at me, "I'm not selling you shit, so get the hell out of here."

"I don't want any of that...well I do but I don't need you for that," I replied looking around, "Look we need to"

Victor looked over his shoulder and then looked back at me, he huffed out another sigh and stepped back opening the door to let me in. I grinned and nodded entering the dingy looking house. The windows were boarded up and there was trash everywhere, the smell of mold and rust strong.

"This place is a dump," I said stepping around a bag that may contain something unpleasant.

He shrugged, "Guess it's a good thing I only do business here. But that's not what you're here for so what do you want."

I turned around and looked at him, "Zayn's going to put in an order soon am I right?"

Victor looked at me suspiciously, "Why do you need to know?"

"Because they won't tell me anything, I don't know what the fuck is going on but I was hoping you would be able to get it out of them and then tell me," I said crossing my arms.

Victor laughed it coming out more like a wheeze, "No."

"What why?" I asked getting irrigatable.

"You think I don't know what you're up too?" Victor said causing me to raise a brow, "And even if I didn't...I wouldn't go against Harry. That's a fucking death wish, everyone knows that."

"I'm not up to anything, but if I'm supposed to die for this stupid organization then I want to know why. Plus Harry's been soft lately with that..."

"Shut the fuck up and get out of here Louis," Victor said taking a seat on the dirty couch, "I am telling you this for your own good. Just shut up and leave."

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