Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

~Zayn's POV~

I sat at the end of my bed as Jawad laid at the top asleep, I couldn't stop thinking about the fight between Harry and I. The fact that he threatened to kill me kept popping up, I couldn't say that he didn't mean it. I was trying to help you realize your mistake and you threaten me...After that Harry and I haven't really spoken unless it was about work and even then if we could avoid it we would, but now that we were here I knew I would need to help keep up the appearance that nothing was wrong with us. I groaned in frustration and placed my face in my hands.

"D-Daddy?" Jawad whispered and I snapped my head to look at him.

He jumped back and covered his himself with a pillow, I reached out and took it from him gently and pulled him to me. I moved him so I could hold him in my arms and he just looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Sorry you scared me...thought you were sleeping," I said in a soft tone, I think he scared me as bad as I scared him.

Jawad nodded, "So you're not mad?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "Why would I be mad?"

"You made an angry noise..." Jawad whispered and I just leaned down to kiss the top of his head.

"No, I'm not mad I promise," I said pulling away, he nodded.

"Okay," Jawad sighed.

"Let's go get something to eat yeah?" I spoke to him softly.

"Can I have the cookies," Jawad yelled, while getting off the bed and leaving the room.

"No cookies for breakfast! They are only for snack time!" I called after him as I got up to follow.

I found it amazing how excited he could get over something so small, it's something I wished I could do. Jawad stopped and turned to look at me, I stopped walking.

"But 'Ama gave them to me yesterday!" Jawad whined and stomped his tiny socked foot.

I raised a brow and then picked him up, "Lily!"

I walked the rest of the way downstairs and into the kitchen, I set Jawad down and he stomped over to the table with a pout. Lily walked in with a raised brow and I nodded my head in Jawad's direction, with a sigh.

"You gave him cookies for breakfast?" I asked leaning forward on the counter, "Don't spoil him."

She looked at me confused then a look of realization appeared. She walked over to the pantry, while I looked at her with curiosity. She opened it and pulled out a box of Cookie Crisp cereal and set it on the counter.

"Zayn they're cereal shaped like cookies, calm your tits will you," Lily giggled and then walked to the cabinet and grabbed a bowl.

Lily began making Jawad his cereal and when she handed it to him, he yelled out cookies and began to eat it with a goofy smile on his face. Of course he was talking about cookie crisp, Lily looked at me with concern.

"Zayn are you okay?" Lily asked folding her arms.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, "Yeah...m'fine just tired...was a long flight here and all that...stuff."

"Mmhm...sure," She said looking at me suspiciously, "Seriously what is it? Did something happen when you guys where back between you and another member?"

I stood up and looked at her, "No, not really. Look it's just been a tough couple of days. I am also very sore and bruised...that's all."

"Zayn I..."

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