Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

~Max's POV~

*A week later*

The rain was pouring down hard around me and I was completely soaked, I moved my hair out of my face and continued to watch my target. I was currently stood outside of a bar, the rain managed to drown out the noise. I was stood with my gun drawn and continued to watch the tall bloke who stood outside the bar. He was on the phone yelling about something, there was to many people for me to shoot now so I had to wait. I was freezing, this hoodie was already light and now it was soaked, my socks even managed to get soaked through my black boots.

"What exactly are you waiting for?" Michael's voice came through the earpiece.

"If I shoot now, I'll be caught. I know how to do my job," I sneered back, he's been on my back lately.

I knew that I pissed him off when I went after Lily and managed to get Harry involved, he yelled and threw a fit for a whole hour. Kept repeating that there were more important things and that I was being unnecessary. Said that I didn't need to worry about my status; as long as I did my job well, I would be able to stay at the top. But I didn't want to work under him, I wanted my own gang and with Lily; I could have that.

"Just get it done Max," he snapped causing me to roll my eyes.

I huffed and raised the gun; the guy was now standing alone. I aimed and shot managing to hit his head, I turned and left without a second thought.

"It's done," I said taking the earpiece out.

I ran to my car and got in; I drove off heading to Kacey's diner, I had set up a meeting with an old friend. I turned on the heater in the car and tried to warm up before I got there, I couldn't afford to get sick right now. I sped to the diner, I still had other things to do so I would have to do this quick. I checked my phone to see what time it was, only to see that I had a text message from Brooklynn. I would have to read that later because I wasn't in the mood for her shit.

I arrived at the diner and parked the car as close to the door as I could, I was trying to limit my time in the rain. I got out of the car after turning it off and grabbing the manila envelope that sat in the passenger seat. I hurried into the building; my fingers hurt and my body felt numb, I placed the envelope in my jacket. I searched the diner until I found him, I walked over to his table and sat down. The waitress appeared with a bright smile.

"Hello, welcome to Kacey's what can I get for you?" She said in a high-pitched voice, her tone sounding unnatural.

" and a Cheeseburger, no onion," I replied hastily.

"Okay be back in a sec hun," she replied writing it down and turning to leave.

I turned my attention to the man in front of me, he looked irritated. It's been years since I had seen him and knowing him, he would have preferred that we didn't meet again.

"What is it that you want?" Nathan asked his dark eyes staring at me suspiciously, he didn't trust me and he shouldn't.

"Nice to see you too, I've been great thanks for asking," I replied, the waitress coming back with my coffee and burger.

"Here you go, let me know if you need anything else," she said with a wink.

I smiled and took a drink of my coffee turning my attention back to Nathan. He leaned forward in his seat and stared at me.

"Look, I'm very busy and I personally don't want to be here okay? So what is it that you want?" Nathan whispered harshly.

"I need a job done and quickly, no mess ups and you're the only person I know who can do it," I responded pulling out the envelope and passing it to him.

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