Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

~Lily's POV~

I woke up with the feeling of something heavy on my chest, it was making it hard to breath. I slowly opened my eyes to find Jawad asleep on top of me, his tiny hands still fisting my shirt even in his sleep. I turned my head when I felt another movement beside me. Harry sat on his side of the bed, his head hung low.

"What happened baby?" I whispered, causing his head to snap up so he could look at me.

"He's home, he's in his bedroom," Harry sighed running his hands through his hair.

The air in the room was tense and the feeling of guilt returning, I knew that after last night things would be extremely tense. I bit my lip and tried to compose myself, I couldn't believe that something happened to Jawad and I couldn't protect him...I was supposed to take care of him and I couldn't even do that.

"I'm so sorry...I should have kept a better eye on Jawad...and I shouldn't have hit her...she was purposely trying to get under my skin and cause trouble and it worked," I whispered feeling ashamed about last night.

"Well the others are stepping forward about what happened...I'll be talking to them later...this whole situation is childish..." Harry spoke laying back across my legs.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just..." I sighed in frustration because I knew that whatever happened last night happened because of her.

"I know princess, I know," Harry sighed closing his eyes.

This whole situation was a mess and what happened last night was crazy. I laid there and looked at the ceiling as Jawad and now Harry were asleep. I wonder what was the point of starting all of that, and why does she want Louis to be leader so bad. From what Harry tells me once they get through this that I won't be seeing him much anymore. I can't even stand the thought, how can she? They have a kid together. She probably thinks that it will give her this lavish life but with Louis' addiction I didn't think so, if anything all the stress from the responsibility would make it worse.

She really needed help...they both did because this was just crazy. To do all of this fighting and drama over not becoming leader was just mind blowing. I also felt bad for Zayn because he probably thinks his son is mad at him, when Jawad isn't. If anything, Jawad thinks Zayn is mad at him. Like father like son. Jawad started to whimper in his sleep and grabbed on to my shirt tighter. I ran my fingers through his hair and suddenly he sat up.

"What's wrong love?" I whispered as he looked around frantically.

"'Ama, I want my daddy, I want him to come back," He cried.

"Baby, he's here...he's in your room," I whispered, wiping his tears.

"I want to see him," He sniffled, causing me to nod.

I moved my legs from under Harry's head and picked Jawad up in my arms. Harry snorted and then turned over. I walked out of the room and down the hall to Zayn's room. I knocked on the door.

"Go away Harry," Zayn called out.

I opened the door and walked in to see Zayn sitting on his bed with his face in his hands. He was shirtless and his hair and torso were wet indicating he took a shower.

"I said go away," Zayn sneered.

"Well, I'm not Harry so I figured that didn't apply to me," I shot back walking over to the bed.

"I don't want to talk to anyone," Zayn sighed, laying back on the bed.

"To bad your son wants you," I said, setting him down.

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