Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

~Vanessa's POV~

I walked out of the bedroom and marched downstairs and out the back door to the patio, Jamie sat at the cute little table we had out there. I stomped over to him and slammed down a folder causing his glass of water to fall over. He jumped back and looked at me, I crossed my arms and glared.

"What the fuck Vanessa? Why would you do that?" Jamie snapped standing up to wipe off his pants and shirt.

I scoffed, "What the fuck is that?"

He looked at me confused and then looked down at the folder, he picked it up and looked over it. Jamie let out a huff and closed his eyes as he reached up to rub them with one hand, I stood there waiting for him to explain that folder. Because if what I read in there was true, I was going to lose my shit.

"Vanessa...look I know it seems bad but it's not! I gave you my word that I wouldn't..."

I pushed on him and started pounding on his chest as I cut him off, "You fucking liar! They could fucking die! How could you lie to me!"

I continued to push and pound on his chest while he tried to grab my arms and stop me, I was furious. Eventually he just wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't move, I tried to break free but I couldn't.

"I won't let them die! But we can't show up there, they will kill us!" Jamie shouted as I screamed for him to let me go.

I stopped moving and he slowly released me, I spun around and glared at him, "Then call him! Fucking call him already and tell him the truth!"

"I can't Babe...I can't, right now he's got a lot going on. I can't add more to that, we have two weeks and before its up I'm going to set up a meeting...I'll talk to him," Jamie said pushing his hair out of his face.

I sighed and then looked to either side of me placing my hand on my stomach, I then looked at him. He watched me with caution as I just crossed my arms and bit my lip, I didn't understand why we needed to wait. Harry and Zayn where in danger and they were already down a lot of men. They night Jamie came back from trying to aid Harry and Zayn in the fight, I was horrified. Harry and Zayn had been ambushed...

~Flashback begins~

It was raining outside so I decided to watch movies and drink hot chocolate rather than sit outside and read. I was quite upset that it started raining because I found a really good book but I wanted to be able to sit in the garden while I read it, the flowers smelled so amazing. I had my comfy pajamas on and some fuzzy socks, Jamie was walking around in joggers and socks. He was so attractive and boy was it nice to just sit and stare at his abs and v-line. I bit my lip and tried to focus back on the tv, I needed to stop thinking like that.

"Wha...slow the fuck down lad, I can't understand you?" Jamie yelled as he came stomping down the stairs with his shirt in his hand.

I turned and watched him curiously, he walked over to the door and slipped on his shoes.

"Fucking call in the others, I'll be there! Don't let anyone touch them you got that?" Jamie sneered as he pulled the phone away and hung up.

I stood up and walked over to him as he continued to get ready to leave, I reached out and grabbed his wrist.

He turned to me and sighed, "I have to go."

"What's going on?" I asked taking his hand in mine.

He placed his phone in his pocket and picked up his keys, "They ambushed Styles corp. Harry...Zayn...everyone was there...they were meeting about something when the others showed up and just went in."

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