Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

~Lily's POV~

I walked around the kitchen and cleaned up the mess I had made when baking some cookies for Sophia and I. I was so happy to be back with everyone, in fact I think I was more excited than they were. It probably was because I was so excited to tell her about me being pregnant, her reaction was so heartwarming and I honestly never felt so loved.

~Flashback begins~

We had arrived at our house late last night and I was so happy to be out of the car. Jawad had stayed the night at Sophia's so he wasn't here last night when we got home, but she was bringing him home and he'd be here any minute. I was in the kitchen preparing some food for us, I decided to make some lemon pepper tilapia, with a side of shells mac and cheese and a salad. I also made bread sticks, Zayn walked in and came to stand near me.

"Why mac and cheese?" He said with a chuckle.

"Because it's Jawad's favorite and I want this to be perfect for him," I said with a smile, I missed my little guy so much.

Zayn turned to the fridge and opened it pulling out a water bottle, he closed the fridge and went to take a seat at the table. The food was done so I began to place it in its designated food dishes and turned off the oven and stove, I then started to carry the food to the table. When it all looked nice I smiled and turned to Zayn who smiled softly and then turned away, I felt my face fall.

"Zayn seriously what is going on with you?" I asked.

After talking about his mother everything seemed fine, even that next morning he joked and laughed with me. But then at some point it was like a switch went off and he became distant, he wasn't particularly being mean or cold but he was trying to avoid conversation or being in the same room with me for long periods of time. I didn't understand what happened but I would be damned if this continued.

"Lily it's nothing really, I'm fine...we are fine," Zayn said with a sigh and I scoffed.

"No it's not, you're being..."

"Baba!" Jawad's small voice came screaming through the kitchen.

He ran past me and headed straight for his dad who bent over to hug him, he lifted him up and held him tightly.

"Hey love, how have you been?" Zayn said pulling away to look at him.

Jawad cupped his face, "Good...ate lots of ice cream and I got to eat fruit snacks."

Zayn and I chuckled, I turned when I felt someone pull on my shirt. I turned to find Jasper who looked up at me with a big smile.

"I missed you auntie," Jasper said and I bent down to his level hugging him tightly.

"I missed you! Gosh I will never leave you guys again, you're getting to big," I stated pulling away from him.

Jasper reached up to push hair out of my face and then smiled, "Mom said that we are gonna live here now."

"We are and it's going to be so cool," I said.

"I know! I excited!" Jasper exclaimed and I chuckled.

Jawad soon appeared next to him and reached out to touch my face, "Hi 'Ama, I missed look beautiful."

I chuckled, "Why thank you handsome, I missed you too."

I pulled him to me and hugged him and he hugged me tightly, I looked over at Zayn and he just smirked. I rolled my eyes and pulled away from the hug, I stood up and smiled at him.

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